Bishop Votes Against Democrats’ Abortion-On-Demand Bills

July 15, 2022
Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C - Rep. Dan Bishop (NC-09) voted against the Democrats’ two radical pro-abortion bills, the Abortion-On-Demand Until Birth Act and the Ensuring Access to Abortion Act. The former bill would allow abortion for all nine months of pregnancy with zero restrictions, and the latter would block states from banning abortifacients, including chemical abortion pills. Both bills would remove power from the people and their elected state representatives to set their own laws blocking abortion.


“The Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health decision was a resounding victory for life, and rightfully gave states the power to block the barbaric practice of abortion. Democrats are fighting tooth and nail to advance a culture of death, and to strip power from the people and their elected state governments. All human life is precious, and that includes the lives of the unborn. I will always fight against Democrat-led efforts that promote the horrific practice of abortion.” -Rep. Dan Bishop.