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July 20, 2022 Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Rep. Dan Bishop (NC-09) voted against Speaker Pelosi’s out-of-control spending spree that will only further our nation’s inflation crisis.


May 10, 2022 Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Rep. Dan Bishop (NC-09) voted against the Additional Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act, a $40 billion war spending bill that continues the endless cycle of footing the bill for European war efforts while putting Americans last:

March 14, 2020 Press Release

This bill, unveiled in the dark of night, loads an unfathomable new regulatory, financial and tax accounting burden on the smallest businesses in the country at their most vulnerable moment.  They can beg for one-by-one exemptions, but only by showing that the added burden will destroy them utterly.  The biggest businesses are completely exempt.

This bill will lead to one obvious result:  small business owners and their employees will be on the street together.