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Rep DeSaulnier in hearing

Key Legislative Accomplishments


Website Key Leg Accomplishments   20.01.08.


  • Successfully enacted a measure in the Highway Bill to protect the public from faulty guardrails on roads and highways
  • Authored legislation to strengthen accountability and oversight for so-called "megaprojects," like the Bay Bridge, by creating a system that manages costs, foresees risks, and holds decision-makers accountable
  • Spearheaded bipartisan legislation to rebuild public trust by increasing transparency during the project selection process to ensure that investments are based on merit as opposed to politics or connections

Oversight & Accountability

  • Worked to safeguard the public from harmful emissions by calling on the Department of Justice to conduct a criminal investigation into allegations that Volkswagen AG purposefully evaded California air quality standards
  • Pursued investigations of ExxonMobil's alleged fraud related to climate change by the Department of Justice, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Committee on Oversight & Government Reform


  • Authored legislation to make college more affordable by decreasing interest rates on federal student loans
  • Successfully amended current law to allow Head Start programs to run more efficiently
  • Passed a measure into law to encourage schools to keep student athletes safe by developing a set of standards for responding to concussions


  • Passed bipartisan legislation in the House of Representatives to expand the John Muir National Historic Site and improve access to the park and its scenic trails
  • Promoted legislation to prevent another BP oil spill by strengthening protections for whistleblowers on offshore oil and gas facilities

Office Locations

503 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC  20515
Phone: (202) 225-2095
Fax: (202) 225-5609
440 Civic Center Plaza
2nd Floor
Richmond, CA  94804
Phone: (510) 620-1000
Fax: (510) 620-1005
3100 Oak Road
Suite 110
Walnut Creek, CA  94597
Phone: (925) 933-2660
Fax: (925) 933-2677