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Today, our country faces the most pressing call for racial justice since the 1960s. Having spent more than 25 years in public service fighting for equal treatment and protection for all, Congressman DeSaulnier is passionate about meeting this call with the boldness and urgency it demands. In Congress, he is at the forefront in the fight for equality, embracing the belief that no one is equal until everyone is equal.

Congressman DeSaulnier in classroom
Congressman DeSaulnier understands that education is the single-most important investment a nation can make in its future. Throughout his career in public service, from his time as a local Head Start Commissioner to his current seat on the House Committee on Education and Labor, he has been an advocate for quality education for every student.

Environment Option 1
Congressman DeSaulnier recognizes climate change for the existential threat that it is and, beginning with his time as a member of the California Air Resources Board (CARB) and the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD), he has been a proud champion of policies that promote sustainability, protect the environment, and mitigate the harmful effects of climate change.

Congressman DeSaulnier holding sign
The United States is the gun violence capital of the world. Every day, there are more than 30 gun-related deaths. The common sense reforms we have made in California are working, and Congressman DeSaulnier is leading the way to bring them to the national level to make our families, schools, and communities safer while adhering to the Second Amendment.

Congressman DeSaulnier with veteran
Our national security is among Congressman DeSaulnier’s top priorities and he believes that the men and women who bravely and selflessly sign up to keep our country safe deserve our utmost respect and gratitude, which should include quality health care and a VA that works for them, education and job training, transition programs, and mental health services.

Health Care Option 1
In the wealthiest country in the world, no American should go without access to quality, affordable health care. This is especially true during the coronavirus pandemic, which has further revealed a broken system that leaves almost 30 million Americans uninsured. To address the inadequacy of our health care system, Congressman DeSaulnier has been an ardent supporter of protecting and expanding the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

The need to expand housing and provide more affordable options in the San Francisco Bay Area could not be clearer. With some workers enduring two-hour commutes to get from homes in the Central Valley to jobs in Silicon Valley and others looking elsewhere to start their businesses or raise their families, the housing crisis presents a serious threat to our region’s quality of life.

Congressman DeSaulnier at factory wearing hard hat
During a time of record-breaking income inequality and runaway corporate greed, restoring the balance of power in favor of the American worker is imperative. As a member of the House Committee on Education and Labor and a former small business owner, Congressman DeSaulnier has seen firsthand that workers are being taken advantage of by big business. Congressman DeSaulnier is committed to promoting policies that advance all workers and prepare them for the jobs of the future.

Congressman DeSaulnier at hearing
Americans deserve an efficient and effective government that meets the needs of hardworking families, now and into the future. As a Member of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform Committee (COR) Congressman DeSaulnier strives to rebuild public trust in government through transparency, accountability, and a higher-level of customer service as well as to hold private industry accountable to consumers.

Preserving Social Security and Medicare
Social Security and Medicare represent our promise to seniors of a secure retirement, and Congressman DeSaulnier is committed to protecting these programs. As all 73 million baby boomers approach retirement age by 2030, he is focused on making sure we provide every retiree with the financial security they deserve. Congressman DeSaulnier has been a strong advocate for the protection of safety net programs throughout his time in government service and continues to be a champion for seniors in Congress.

Office Locations

503 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC  20515
Phone: (202) 225-2095
Fax: (202) 225-5609
440 Civic Center Plaza
2nd Floor
Richmond, CA  94804
Phone: (510) 620-1000
Fax: (510) 620-1005
3100 Oak Road
Suite 110
Walnut Creek, CA  94597
Phone: (925) 933-2660
Fax: (925) 933-2677