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LGBTQ+ Rights

We have made incredible strides as a country in the fight to support and empower our vibrant LGBTQ+ community. No matter who you love or how you identify, equality is a human right that must be extended to everyone who calls this nation home.

However, the LGBTQ+ community remains under attack from those who seek to dismantle the progress we've made.

In my time as a public servant, I have always stood up to protect and defend the rights of our LGBTQ+ friends, families, and neighbors. As a member of the New York State Assembly, I continually supported efforts to ban the inhumane practice of conversion therapy, to improve protections for transgender New Yorkers, and to ensure public schools created a safe environement for LGBTQ students.

In 2011, I was proud and honored to co-sponsor and vote for the Marriage Equality Act, which made New York State one of the first in the nation to legalize marriage equality.

And now as a member of Congress, I am continuing the fight at the federal level by co-sponsoring:

HR 5 Equality Act
This bill will provide explicit, consistent protections for sexual orientation and gender identity in credit, education, employment, federal funding, housing, jury service, and public accommodations.

HR 1201 International Human Rights Defense Act
Specifically, this bill would require the State Department to prevent and respond to discrimination and violence against the LGBTI community by devising a global strategy in coordination with local advocacy groups, governments, multilateral organizations, and the private sector, to promote international LGBTI human rights.

HR 3833 Equal Dignity for Married Taxpayers Act
This bill recognizes all legal marriages by modernizing the U.S. tax code to remove gender-specific references to marriage, such as "husband" and "wife" in favor of "married couple" and "spouse."

HR 2328 Prohibition of Medicaid Funding for Conversion Therapy Act
Makes it illegal for Medicaid funds to be used to pay for "conversion therapy" and would require the Centers for Medicaid Services (CMS) to ensure that these practices are not billed to Medicaid using misleading and false billing codes

The ability to embrace our differences and diversity as a country is one of our greatest strengths. I am proud to stand as an ally to the LGBTQ+ community and through our continued partnership we will continue the fight to ensure that every American has the dignity, respect, and equality they deserve.