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Office Immigration Hours: Monday - Thursday, from 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
The Office of Congressman Adriano Espaillat accepts casework to support and provide guidance for various immigration-related issues on Monday - Thursday from 1:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. Due to the volume of requests, please call to schedule an appointment.


​Congressman Espaillat is leading the way on comprehensive immigration reform from NY​'s 13th to the halls of Congress. He recognizes our nation's reliance on the ingenuity and resourcefulness of its immigrant communities, and works relentlessly to ensure a simpler, safer route for immigrants to take advantage of the opportunity America promises.

​During the 115th Congress and his first session as a U.S. Congressman, Representative Espaillat accomplished:

  • First bill introduced. "This Land Is Our Land," which would prevent a border wall from being built on federal lands, within 100 miles of the border.
  • Led 63 House Democrats. Joined with immigration leader Rep. Luis Gutierrez in leading 63 House Democrats in a letter to Speaker Paul Ryan asking him to put party politics aside, reverse course, and take a stand against President Donald Trump's detrimental "Muslim Ban" executive order.
  • Fought against Donald Trump's Muslim Ban. Met with families at JFK airport and pushed against Trump's Muslim Ban; continued that fight on the House floor and delivered a floor statement highlighting its impact on Muslim immigrant families.
  • One of five. Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) members on powerful Immigration Task Force.
  • Proud lead sponsor of pro immigrant bills:
    • I introduced theICE and CBP Body Camera Accountability Act(H.R. 1608),which would ensure that agents and officers of ICE and CBP wear body cameras when such officers are engaged in official operations.
    • I introduced the Protecting Sensitive Locations Act (H.R. 1815), which wouldprohibitimmigration enforcement, including arrests, interviews, searches, and surveillance in "sensitive locations," such as schools, funeral homes, courthouses, hospitals, etc.
  • Proud co-sponsor of pro immigrant bills:
    • ​​The BRIDGE (Bar Removal of Individuals who Dream and Grow our Economy) Act: Provide temporary relief from deportation and employment authorization to individuals who are eligible for the Department of Homeland Security's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals ("DACA") program.
    • ​Safeguarding Sanctuary Cities Act: Ensure that any State or local authority cannot lose Federal financial assistance if it limits or restricts compliance with an immigration detainer request.
    • ​Defunding Unconstitutional Executive Order Banning Refugees: No funds, resources, or fees made available by the United States Congress to any Federal agency may be used to implement, administer, enforce, or carry out (including through the issuance of any regulations) any of the policy changes set forth in the Executive Order titled "Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States" signed by President Donald J. Trump on January 27, 2017.
    • "Statute of Liberty Values Act" (SOLVe): States that President Trump's Executive Order will have no effect or force of law and states that no funds or fees shall be used to implement the Order.
    • DREAMers, Immigrants, and Refugees (DIRe) Legal Aid Act: Provide funding to ensure that vulnerable individuals can receive the assistance they need from immigration legal experts.
    • ​Build Bridges Not Walls: Would prohibit the implementation of President Trump's Executive Order to build a wall on our U.S.-Mexico border.
    • ​Protect Sanctuary Cities Act: This bill would declare Donald Trump's executive restrictions on sanctuary cities null and void. It would prohibit funds from being used to enforce these provisions. It would also require the Department of Homeland Security to present a report to Congress within 30 days detailing how DHS can strengthen immigrant community trust in the Department. This would allow it to begin taking steps to mend the harm done by the Administration's reckless actions.


During the 116th Congress, Congressman Adriano Espaillat introduced a critical legislative package to protect immigrant rights:

Protecting Sensitive Locations Act, will prohibit immigration enforcement in certain "sensitive locations" such as courthouses, schools, community centers and houses of worship, a tactic for targeting vulnerable immigrant communities that has become common under the Trump Administration.

Another measure, the Reunite Every Unaccompanied Newborn Infant Toddler and Other Children Expeditiously (REUNITE) Act, would require the immediate reunification of children who were separated from their parent or legal guardian as a result of the administration's "zero tolerance" policy.

The ICE and CBP Body Camera Accountability Act would require Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Customs and Border Patrol officers to wear body cameras and would make footage available for any legal proceedings.

Finally, the This Land Is Our Land Act to prohibit the U.S. Department of Homeland Security or U.S. Department of Defense from constructing any new border barriers, including walls or fences, on federal land under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Agriculture or the Secretary of the Interior.


Reunification of Separated Immigrant Families: To date, Congressman Adriano Espaillat has been the only elected official actively engaged with immigrant mothers and the Cayuga Center to help reunite families separated by the Trump administration's 'zero tolerance' policy. To date, Congressman Esapillat has reunited four immigrant mothers with their children: Yeni González, Rosayra Pablo Cruz, Rosa Amelia Peralta, and Evelyn Aguilar.