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Civil Rights

Congressmember Adriano Espaillat is a tireless advocate of civil rights, and has been a champion for the LGBTQ community. As one of his first acts in Congress, he joined the LGBT Equality Caucus.

Congressmember Espaillat was also an original cosponsor of the Equality Act of 2017.


Congressmember Adriano Espaillat is thrilled and honored to serve on the House Committee on Education and the Workforce. In addition to sitting on the full committee, Congressmember Espaillat is a member of the Subcommittees on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP), as well as Higher Education and Workforce Development.



Energy, Pollution, and Public Health

Representing one of the densest districts in the country, and hailing from New York City, Congressmember Espaillat understands and appreciates the challenges of ensuring and adequate, affordable, and clean energy supply to the American people. He is strongly supportive of implementing policies and increasing research and investment funding focused on developing and promoting energy efficiency, alternative and renewable energy sources, and reducing the emission of greenhouse gasses.

Foreign Affairs

As the first Dominican American to serve in Congress, Congressmember Adriano Espaillat is honored to serve on the House Foreign Affairs Committee and the Western Hemisphere Subcommittee.


Congressmember Espaillat firmly believes that healthcare is a right. Not only do individuals need access to health insurance, but they need affordable access to health insurance.


Housing is at the core of the American Dream, and unfortunately the aspiration to own your own home is at risk of slipping further away from the hands of working class and middle class families. As a former tenant organizer, Congressmember Adriano Espaillat brings the heart, knowledge, and fight for housing rights to the halls of Congress.

Congressman Espaillat addressing a crowd about Immigration

Office Immigration Hours: Monday - Thursday, from 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
The Office of Congressman Adriano Espaillat accepts casework to support and provide guidance for various immigration-related issues on Monday - Thursday from 1:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. Due to the volume of requests, please call to schedule an appointment.



Our nation's workforce is the lifeblood of our economy. Congressmember Espaillat firmly believes that the best path to economic stability and success on an individual, family, and national level is a good paying job. This begins with ensuring that our workers are making enough money to support themselves and their families. No one should have to work multiple jobs simply to make ends meet, which is why Congressmember Espaillat is a strong proponent of increasing the federal minimum wage to a living wage. Not only do we need to make sure that our employees are m


Our roads, public transportation, and pedestrian walkways are in dire need of funding. As the Chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus' Transportation, Housing, and Infrastructure Task Force, Congressmember Adriano Espaillat plans to bring transportation funding to the forefront of legislative issues that need to be tackled.