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Civil Rights

Everyone in the United States should be treated fairly under the law, regardless of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity.

Economy and Jobs

Congressman Pallone believes we can grow the American economy and restore the American dream for all by raising wages, strengthening workplace protections, and investing in our national infrastructure.

Tax System:


In order to compete in a global economy, young people must be able to acquire the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the 21st century. To achieve this, Congressman Pallone believes local schools and teachers must be provided with adequate resources and compensation, and a strong emphasis must be placed on hiring and retaining highly trained and talented teaching professionals.


Congressman Pallone advocates a forward looking energy policy that encourages innovation to power America. A critical aspect of this agenda is incentivizing clean, renewable energy such as solar and wind with mechanisms manufactured here in America. Congressman Pallone uses his position as Ranking Member of the Energy and Commerce Committee to advocate for these priorities.


Congressman Pallone was inspired to come to Congress in order to put a stop to ocean dumping off the Jersey Shore and clean up New Jersey’s toxic waste sites.  A clean environment helps create jobs and fosters an environment that will help local economies grow and expand.  It has always been a top priority of Congressman Pallone’s to protect the water and air and clean up both Superfund and Bro


Congressman Pallone has been a longtime advocate for New Jersey’s recreational and commercial fishing industry. He has called for flexibility in the timeline of rebuilding fisheries, and pushed for NOAA to use better data and increase transparency when determining fishing quotas. In 2016 and 2017, he successfully helped lead efforts to increase New Jersey’s summer flounder quotas.

Foreign Affairs and Defense

Keeping the country safe is of the utmost importance to Congressman Pallone. He takes seriously his job to protect and defend our nation, and to ensure that our men and women in uniform have the resources and support they deserve.

Gun Violence Prevention

The seemingly endless list of mass shootings and the stunning number of daily gun deaths in the United States should warrant immediate action by our government including instituting universal background checks, an assault weapons ban and limiting high capacity magazines.

Health Care

As Chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee, Congressman Pallone believes that all Americans should have access to high-quality, affordable healthcare and advocates for legislation that will help achieve these goals.


We owe it to our families, we owe it to our economy, and we owe it to the founding ideals of our country to ensure that those who have come here as children, those who have fled violence and oppression, and those who have made countless contributions to our communities are able to call America home.


Congressman Pallone understands that investing in all forms of infrastructure is necessary to ensuring a strong economy. That is why as Chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee, he introduced the LIFT America Act which would make comprehensive investments in New Jersey and the nation’s infrastructure.


Congressman Pallone stands with New Jerseyans  who are working to fight for better wages, benefits and conditions at their places of employment.  Congressman Pallone supports policies that would significantly raise the minimum wage, implement equal work for equal pay and paid family leave.

New Jersey

Hurricane Sandy


Congressman Pallone is committed to protecting the programs that seniors rely on, like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, while also making them stronger and more secure. 


Small Business

The success of small businesses is a crucial part of making New Jersey’s economy strong. Congressman Pallone advocates for programs to assist small business owners and entrepreneurs, and to encourage business development in the state.


The Gateway Tunnel Project is essential to the economic vitality of the United States, in particular the New Jersey and New York region where 17% of the nation’s population lives and 20% of the nation’s GDP is produced.


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