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Congressional Task Force on American Hostages and Americans Wrongfully Detained Abroad Release the Following Statement

December 8, 2022

Washington, DCToday, the Congressional Task Force on American Hostages and Americans Wrongfully Detained Abroad Co-Chairs Rep. Haley Stevens (MI-11) and Rep. French Hill (AR-2) released the following statement in response to Brittney Griner’s release:  

“We are overjoyed by the news that Brittney Griner is safely on her way home to her loved ones in time for Christmas. For nine long months, Ms. Griner has been wrongfully detained by Russia, bravely enduring a sham trial and unimaginable circumstances. We are grateful to the Biden Administration for their steadfast commitment to bringing Brittney home and releasing all Americans wrongfully detained abroad. 

There is still work to be done. Michigander Paul Whelan remains wrongfully imprisoned in Russia. Brittney’s return without Paul is devastating news for the Whelan family who have been unrelenting in their attempts to bring him home after nearly four years. Twice Paul has been passed over for release even though he has been wrongfully held by Russia for far longer than any other American. We must continue to hold Russia accountable for their lawlessness. This cannot stand and we reaffirm our strong commitment to safely bringing Paul home.” 
