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Voting Rights

I was raised in a household that truly believed in democracy. I often tell the story of my grandmother, who when she was literally in hospice, she’d call up people in Spanish and say, "You need to make sure you get to vote." Voting should be a celebration. It’s an opportunity to use your voice. That’s why I am committed to protect this right for every American. 

During my time in Congress, I have advocated for laws that safeguard this simple—yet sacred– pillar of our democracy. That’s why I cosponsored the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. That’s also why I voted for the Presidential Election Reform Act, a historic piece of legislation that protects free and fair elections. It ensures that the candidate who wins the election takes office. I want to make sure political violence, threats, intimidation, and lies don’t undermine over two hundred years of democratic tradition in this country.