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These past two years, our economy has made meaningful progress toward recovering from COVID-19, but we know that many job openings currently exceed applicants, and employers need skilled workers. Our communities deserve to have good-paying jobs. 

That’s why I voted to pass the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2022 which would invest in our nation’s workforce development programs and help fill job openings across the country with our qualified workers. WIOA will provide apprenticeships for good high paying jobs in renewable energy, health care, the film and arts sector, and much more. I worked with my colleagues on the Education and Labor committee to ensure these programs reach rural communities and bolster the creative economy.

The law provides training and career services that help working people across the country get the skills they need and help employers secure a qualified workforce. WIOA includes funding for job training for adults, dislocated workers, and youth as well as supportive services to help participants complete training and join the workforce.

This legislation will: 

  • Establish a permanent Department of Labor program to help individuals released from incarceration transition back to employment and access sustainable career pathways
  • Expand summer and year-round jobs programs for youth
  • Strengthen the quality of the Jobs Corps program
  • Codify partnerships between employers and community colleges to provide high-quality job training
  • Strengthen industry and sector partnerships to better meet the needs of both employers and job seekers
  • Provide funding for innovative approaches to workforce development

Federal investment in workforce development has fallen markedly over time. The American workforce deserves the full attention of Congress. It’s crucial that we invest in workforce development services so Americans can have greater financial security, rejoin the workforce, and grow the economy.

For the fact sheet of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2022, click here.

For the section-by-section of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2022, click here.