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Agriculture: Ranchers, Farmers, and Farmworkers

My experience representing the beautiful and beautifully diverse third district of New Mexico has taught me that it is important to listen to those who work closest with the land. Our ranchers and farmers are an important part of New Mexican culture and the American economy. They are key voices at the table as we think of the future of our country.

In Congress, I have fought hard to bring justice to dairy farmers whose cattle were contaminated by toxic chemicals from Cannon Air Force Base. I secured compensation for these farmers, and I am pushing Cannon to clean up the PFAS contamination. I also secured an amendment to the PFAS Action Act to make sure that the EPA considers the dangers of these chemicals on water used for agriculture.

I bring the stories of my district’s farmers with me to DC. That’s why I cosponsored the PRIME Act which makes it easier for small farms, ranches, and producers to sell their products to consumers, restaurants, hotels, and grocery stores. I voted for the Lower Food and Fuel Costs Act to support farmers and ranchers and lower prices for all New Mexicans. This bill would expand capacity for livestock and meat processing. It would crack down on unfair practices by large corporations to give our local ranchers a fair shot. 

I saw how New Mexican farmers were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. I listened to their needs. That’s why I supported and helped enact the American Rescue Plan, which provided needed relief to our farmers. This included $4 billion to invest in farmers, food processors, and farmers’ markets, monitor COVID-19 in animals, support small meat and poultry processors, protect food and farm workers on the job, and increase food donations.