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Building in New York


September 25, 2021

Following repressive Texas abortion law, House of Representatives passes legislation to ensure Constitutional right to reproductive healthcare

(Rochester, NY) – Today, Congressman Joe Morelle was joined by local advocates and elected officials at Susan B. Anthony Square to announce action he has taken to protect and strengthen women's healthcare by passing the Women's Health Protection Act. The bill, which Rep. Morelle co-sponsors, seeks to stop oppressive state laws restricting women's access to reproductive health services. At the event, Rep. Morelle and community partners reaffirmed their commitment to supporting a woman's fundamental right to choose and upholding the protections enshrined by Roe v. Wade.

"Every woman deserves the fundamental right to decide what happens to her own body. Unfortunately, that right is being threatened by oppressive policies in Texas and beyond—which is why my colleagues and I took action to protect the right to safe and legal reproductive healthcare for all Americans," said Congressman Morelle. "I was proud to co-sponsor and help pass this landmark legislation, and I'm committed to working alongside all of my partners in government to strengthen women's rights and women's health services across the nation."

The need for this legislation is underscored by the recent action in Texas to make all abortion illegal after 6 weeks, despite the fact that many women may not know they are pregnant by this time. It also weaponized citizens against one another by offering financial rewards to those who report violations of the law. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court has not stepped in to strike down this action. As the future of the Roe v. Wade decision faces questions, the Women's Health Protection Act would ensure reproductive healthcare for all women by establishing a federal statutory right for patients to receive reproductive healthcare.

Sarah Timmerman, President of Rochester NOW:

Having control over your reproductive healthcare is a basic human right that must not be denied. At Rochester NOW we applaud Congressman Morelle's leadership on this issue and are proud to have a representative that fights to keep our right to a safe and legal abortion protected. The passage of the Women's Health Protection Act by the House is an important first step and now we must ensure that the Senate follows suit by also passing the act. No one should be denied access to reproductive healthcare simply based on what state they live in.

Michelle Casey, President and CEO of Planned Parenthood of Central and Western New York: The 2021 state legislative season has been the most hostile for reproductive health and rights since Roe was decided in 1973. These attacks deeply harm the same people who have always faced systemic barriers to care — Black, Latino, and Indigenous communities, the LGBTQ+ community, young people, those living in rural communities, people with disabilities, and people with low incomes. The Women's Health Protection Act is critical legislation that would protect the right to abortion throughout the United States and guard against the medically unnecessary abortion restrictions being pushed forward by state politicians. The Women's Health Protection Act is a necessary step towards truly protecting and advancing abortion access, and I thank Representative Morelle for championing this legislation.

Meaghan de Chateauvieux, President and CEO of Willow Domestic Violence Center:

The Women's Health Care Protection Act is a strong step toward ensuring access to critical reproductive healthcare services for women. For victims of domestic violence, reproductive coercion – forced termination or forced pregnancy - is a tactic of abuse intended to establish power and control over a woman's body that can have a detrimental impact on their future.

Senator Samra Brouk (SD-55): A threat to reproductive choice anywhere is a threat to reproductive choice everywhere. What's happening in Texas shows us that we can no longer rely on an impartial court to protect bodily autonomy- and that abortion access must be written into our national laws, free of restriction. The Women's Health Protection Act does that, and I urge Congress to move forward with this lifesaving legislation to ensure economic equality, reproductive autonomy, and the right for women to plan our own futures.

Senator Jeremy Cooney (SD-56):

Women's bodies should not be regulated by anyone, but themselves. It is long past time we make a woman's right to access a safe and legal abortion a federal law. I'm proud that our congressman, Joe Morelle, is a co-sponsor and vocal advocate of The Women's Health Protection Act and continuing Rochester's legacy of progressive advocacy for women's rights. Now, more than ever, we need to protect women in every state.

Assemblymember Harry Bronson

After the dangerous Supreme Court appointments by Donald Trump, it has become even clearer that women can never be truly equal until they have complete control over their bodies and their health care decisions without the government stomping on their constitutional rights. The United States Supreme Court made it clear in 1973 that women have the constitutional right to choose whether or not to continue a pregnancy. While anti-choice zealots have tried to enact onerous restrictions on abortion services in many states, like Texas, we will not let that happen in New York. I was proud to co-sponsor New York State's law protecting a woman's right to choose; and that it remains just that – her choice. I am proud to stand with Congressman Morelle, my colleagues, community leaders and advocates, as we once again fight for women and their reproductive rights on the national level. I will always support the empowerment and advancement of women and their constitutional right to choose.

Assemblymember Sarah Clark:

A woman's right to choose must always be guaranteed in our country. The troubling trend we see in states like Texas are in clear violation of the protections given to women for access to safe and legal abortions through Roe vs. Wade. We cannot allow women's healthcare choices to be controlled and criminalized by these new restrictive laws. We must fight at all levels of government to make sure women are empowered with the right to make their own reproductive choices. At the federal level, the Women's Health Protection Act would ensure that no matter what state you live in, women will have equal access to every healthcare option available to them.

Assemblymember Jen Lunsford:

Roe v. Wade is the law of the land and has been upheld dozens of times over the nearly fifty years since its passage. The current make-up of the Supreme Court has emboldened State Legislatures across the country to pass extreme and dangerous laws that put women at risk. The situation for those living in poverty, those in rural areas, and those in our black and brown communities is even more dire. I applaud the House of Representatives and Congressman Morelle for passing the Women's Health Protection Act to help ensure that women can continue to make their own healthcare decisions, regardless of whether they live in New York or Texas.

Assemblymember Demond Meeks:

We know that restrictions to women's healthcare disproportionately affect communities of color and working people. Effective family planning will lead to healthy and strong family units. Denying essential and lifesaving healthcare to women is unacceptable and I am glad to stand with Congressman Morelle and the Democratic Majority in the House of Representatives as they act to protect a woman's right to choose.

"I am proud and honored to represent a district with a rich history of fighting for women's equality," added Congressman Morelle. "I will always fight to continue that legacy by protecting and upholding the essential rights all women deserve, including reproductive freedom."

The legislation has been passed by the House of Representatives and now moves on to the Senate for consideration. For more information on the Women's Health Protection Act, click here.