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Congressional App Challenge

Each fall, a nation-wide middle and high school coding competition is sponsored by the Members of the U.S. House of Representatives. The Congressional App Challenge is an opportunity to recognize and encourage computer science talent in the nation, as well as in our Congressional District.

The Congressional App Challenge is open to all middle and high school students in our District. Students can use ANY programming language (example: C, C++, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, “block code,” etc.) and ANY platform (PC, web, tablet, robot, mobile, etc.). There are NO LIMITS on application theme or topic!

Important 2022 Dates:

• November 1 – Deadline for students to register and submit their app online

• November – Judging period

• December – Winners announced!

If you would like more information regarding the Congressional App Challenge, please email Lauren Mills at and include your name, grade, street address, name of school, and phone number.