Health Care


I believe that all Americans should have access to affordable, high-quality care. As a senior Member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, I have spent years in Congress working to make health care in the United States better, more affordable, and accessible to all Americans.

In the 116th Congress, some of the ways that I am working to improve health care for all Americans include:

  • Opposing the Trump Administration’s efforts to sabotage the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act,
  • Supporting legislation to lower the costs of prescription drugs by allowing Medicare to negotiate directly with drug companies to lower the prices its beneficiaries pay (and people enrolled in private insurance plans as well); and bringing generic drugs to market faster,
  • Cosponsoring legislation to expand access to Medicare public options, including Medicare For All, which would provide all Americans with a basic health insurance plan that covers medically necessary care,
  • As co-chair of the Autism Caucus, continuing my advocacy for individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD),
  • Supporting legislation to stop surprise medical billing,
  • Supporting legislation to increase access to mental health services in all phases of life,
  • Helping individuals, communities, and states who continue to battle with substance use disorder and the opioid epidemic,
  • Supporting women’s health including reproductive health care,
  • Increasing federal funding for research at the NIH, NSF, CDC, and FDA
  • Fully funding health programs in the federal budget.


Medicare and Medicaid

Medicare and Medicaid help to provide much-needed financial security and dignity to more than 100 million Americans. Seniors, individuals with disabilities, and working families rely on these programs to access the health care services they need. No American should have to choose between bankruptcy and medical treatment.

In the 116th Congress, I am acting to protecting Medicare and Medicaid by:

  • Opposing the Trump Administration’s budget proposals which include cuts to these crucial programs,
  • Strengthening and expanding the Medicare program, including new benefits and lower costs,
  • Protecting Medicaid Expansion; fighting against states that try to restrict access to Medicaid; and pushing for Medicaid to cover more services including post-natal care for women and home and community-based services for individuals with disabilities.

I will continue to protect the progress we have made in securing access to health care for millions of Americans and support bills that would provide better, more affordable coverage for all Americans.