Jobs and the Economy

Creating jobs and revitalizing Pittsburgh's economy has been my top priority throughout my service in Congress. I have worked to promote economic growth and job creation across the nation – and especially in southwestern Pennsylvania.

I have secured federal funding for a number of local research and development initiatives - including Carnegie Mellon University’s CyLab, the Pittsburgh Tissue Engineering Institute, the National Robotics Engineering Consortium, the National Energy Technology Laboratory, the National Center for Defense Robotics, the Energy Innovation Center, and the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center - all of which have helped transform the region into a job-creating high-tech hub.

In the 117th Congress, I’m working to create a sustainable workforce and boost our economy by:

  • Supporting trade policies that would create new jobs in the United States – and opposed trade agreements that would ship US jobs overseas,
  • Supporting federal programs that help our economy grow and create jobs – like increased funding to repair and modernize our nation’s crumbling infrastructure and build clean energy facilities,
  • Supporting federal education and job-training programs that prepare students for the more complicated and skill-oriented jobs of the future,
  • Advocating for more federal funding for scientific and medical research and the development of new technologies,
  • Promoting the adoption of advanced manufacturing technology in Pittsburgh and around the country.

I will continue fighting in the House to provide more federal support for such efforts.