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Bentz Speaks to Vietnam War Veterans Day Crowd
April 7, 2021

In his first trip back to Oregon since being sworn in early this year, U.S. Rep. Cliff Bentz, R-Ontario, came to speak at the Central Oregon Veterans Ranch north of Bend in honor of Vietnam War Veterans Day.

Dozens of veterans, their friends and families gathered Monday at the ranch, which supports veterans by offering peer support and agriculture-related therapy.

“We’re here to honor you for your sacrifice and your suffering,” Alison Perry, Founder of Central Oregon Veterans Ranch, said at the event.


Bentz Meeting with FEMA
April 1, 2021

Jackson County, OR — Following a visit to the FEMA temporary housing site in White City on Friday, U.S. Rep. Cliff Bentz (R - Oregon) confirmed the Biden Administration is receptive to supplying more funding for the Almeda Fire recovery efforts.

Bentz presents American Flag to veteran Kristin Gyford
March 29, 2021

During a visit to Bend on Monday, Rep. Cliff Bentz presented a certificate and U.S. Capitol flag to Kristin Gyford, an Air Force veteran and licensed clinical social worker who received a Women Veteran Trailblazers award from the VA.

The awards recognize veteran women who continue to serve other veterans in their community.

Gyford is the only Oregonian, and one of 27 women to earn the distinction this year. She founded Still Serving Counseling and Services in Bend, which helps veterans, first responders and their families.


Ranking Member on Water Subcommittee Announcement
February 19, 2021

Representative Cliff Bentz (R-Ontario) has had anything but a normal first few weeks in office.

Continuing with the theme, he was just named the ranking Republican on the House natural resources subcommittee on water, oceans and wildlife — a rare appointment for someone in their freshman term.

South East view of the Capitol
January 3, 2021
An Article about the 117th United States Congress