Press Releases

December 8, 2022 Press Release
By: Jalelah Ahmed

Today, Rep. Payne, Jr. sent landmark legislation that defends marriage equality to President Biden’s desk. H.R. 8404, “The Respect for Marriage Act,”  repeals the bigoted and unconstitutional “Defense of Marriage Act” (DOMA) and upholds couples’ rights to equal protection under federal law.

December 1, 2022 Press Release

Media Contact:  Patrick Wright   --

November 17, 2022 Press Release
Washington, D.C—Today, Rep. Donald M. Payne, Jr. released the following statement following House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California’s 12th Congressional District’s decision to pass the torch to new democratic House Leadership

"For 35 years and two terms, Nancy Patricia Pelosi has courageously and patriotically executed her duties and responsibilities representing San Francisco, California’s 12th Congressional District.

November 16, 2022 Press Release
By: Jalelah Ahmed

Washington, D.C.—Today, Rep. Payne, Jr. voted for a bill that limits nondisclosure agreements (NDA’s) and non-disparagement contract clauses relating to disputes involving sexual assault and harassment. This legislation, S. 4524, now heads to President Biden’s desk for signature.

November 9, 2022 Press Release

Media Contact:  Patrick Wright   --

November 3, 2022 Press Release

Newark— At about 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 3, 2022, the Newark Branch of the FBI shared in a tweet, that they’ve received “credible information” of a “broad threat to synagogues in NJ.” They urged members of our community to take precautions to protect individuals and facilities.

November 2, 2022 Press Release
By: Jalelah Ahmed

"I commend the brave men and women of the Newark Police Department for apprehending the suspect accused of shooting two of our police officers yesterday afternoon,” said Congressman Payne, Jr. “I pray that our heroic officers make a swift and full recovery.”
