
Rep. Payne Celebrates Black History

Civil Rights

America is founded on the fundamental belief that all men and women are created equally. Our fight to live up to this founding ideal remains ongoing. African Americans and other minorities continue to battle racism and discrimination in schools, the workplace, and our legal system.
construction workers smiling

Economy and Jobs

One of my top priorities in Congress is creating and supporting legislation that sustains good-paying jobs and industries for American workers.

Rep. Payne with Students


There is no substitute for a robust and high-quality education system for children and adults on the path to economic security and advancement here in New Jersey.

Wind turbine and blue sky

Energy and the Environment

The state of New Jersey has one of the highest numbers of homes and businesses in the nation that incorporate solar panels, and the acceleration of wind turbine projects can be seen along the Jersey coastline.
Rep. Payne Speaks on Gun Safety

Gun Safety

I have always been and will always be a staunch supporter and relentless advocate for prudent gun regulation and legislation that will make our communities safer.
Rep. Payne with Health medical Center

Health Care

Health care is a right and not a privilege. This is a fundamental belief I have always held since I was a local elected official in Essex County, President of the Newark City Council, and now in the U.S. House of Representatives. I am proud to support legislation that expands and guarantees access to health care – including reproductive rights – on behalf of my constituents.
Sec. Buttigieg Chats with Rep. Payne, Jr.

Infrastructure and Transportation

Investing in our nation’s aging transportation and infrastructure is not only important for public safety, but it is vital to creating jobs, strengthening our economy, and making America competitive in the 21st Century.

Local Issues

The work I do in Congress has lasting effects in our district. I wanted to provide a map of the district and how my efforts in Congress affect the Tenth Congressional District.
Rep. Payne, Jr. holds a hearing on discrimination in federal contracts

Natural Disaster Preparedness and Response

As a Member of the Subcommittee on Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Communications on the House Committee on Homeland Security, I fight to keep our families and communities safe by ensuring our first responders have the necessary resources and training they need to prepare for, respond to, and mitigate a terrorist threat or natural disaster.
senior citizens smiling


It is critically important that we protect and strengthen Social Security and Medicare for people with disabilities and our seniors. These are programs that seniors have paid into their entire lives, and it is unconscionable to slash these benefits to pay for more tax breaks to the wealthiest among us.
Military soldier saluting American flag


One of the most important duties of our federal government is to care for the men and women who have bravely served and sacrificed on behalf of our country.