Constituent Service By Numbers

  • 117th Congress in Review

  • 2101Constituent Cases Helped
  • 123,882Responses to Letters, Emails, Calls
  • 1,051,431Returned to Constituents
  • 3,514,314,773Money Invested


Whether it’s the solvency of Social Security, the availability of supportive housing, or the increasing costs of prescription drugs, our seniors face many challenges. I believe that after a lifetime of hard work, our seniors should be able to retire and live with dignity. I have supported efforts to protect and expand Social Security to ensure that our seniors who have paid into this program for years have financial security. I also supported cost of living increases for Social Security benefits under Old-Age, Survivors, or Disability Insurance that reflect the costs of goods that seniors are more likely to spend their income on in order to ensure the COLA actually matches the costs seniors face. Furthermore, I supported legislation to expand Medicare coverage to include additional exams, treatments, and medical devices for seniors so that seniors can receive the preventative and necessary care they need to live healthy lives.

View resources for Senior Citizens.

Aunque sea por la solvencia del Seguro Social, la disponibilidad de viviendas de apoyo o los costos crecientes de los medicamentos recetados, nuestros adultos mayores enfrentan muchos desafíos. Creo que después de una vida de arduo trabajo, nuestros adultos mayores deberían poder jubilarse y vivir con dignidad. He apoyado los esfuerzos para proteger y expandir el Seguro Social para garantizar que nuestros adultos mayores que han contribuido a este programa por años tengan seguridad financiera. También apoyé los aumentos del costo de vida para los beneficios del Seguro Social bajo el Seguro de Vejez, de Sobrevivientes o de Discapacidad que reflejan los costos de los bienes en los que es más probable que las personas mayores gasten sus ingresos para garantizar que el COLA realmente igualé los costos que enfrentan las personas mayores. Además, apoyé la legislación para expandir la cobertura de Medicare para incluir exámenes, tratamientos y dispositivos médicos adicionales para los adultos mayores, de modo que los adultos mayores puedan recibir la atención preventiva y necesaria que necesitan para vivir vidas saludables.

More on Seniors

February 10, 2020 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – Congresswoman Norma J. Torres (CA-35) released the following statement today in response to President Donald Trump’s FY 2021 Budget Request, which slashes deeply at domestic programs to help working and low-income Americans, in some cases, eliminating them outright.


September 3, 2019 Press Release

ONTARIO, CA – U.S. Representative Norma J. Torres (D-Pomona) recently launched a Veteran Identification Card (VIC) Assistance Program. The VIC allows veterans to access discounts at many restaurants, hotels, stores, and other businesses across the nation without having to carry sensitive documents to prove their veteran status. During the 30-minute appointments, Torres’ staff outline the required documents, eligibility requirements, and the application process.


August 13, 2019 In The News

It took months for Debra Cummings’ disability benefits to kick in.


But when the check arrived, it wasn’t for the full amount. So the 58-year-old Redlands resident made several phone calls to the Social Security Administration. She wasn’t getting anywhere, until an employee threw her a lifeline.


March 15, 2018 In The News

A couple of weeks ago, U.S. Representative Norma J. Torres traveled to several communities in and around the Inland Empire to ensure the needs of local residents are reflected in the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) budget. As Chair of the CHC Budget Task Force, Torres has been instrumental in crafting a budget that offers an alternative to the harmful cuts in the Trump Administration’s Fiscal Year 2019 budget.

April 19, 2017 Press Release

ONTARIO, CA – Today, Rep. Norma J. Torres (D-Pomona) hosted a listening session for seniors and workshops focused on Social Security in Rialto and Fontana.


October 4, 2016 Event
Are you or your loved ones retired or nearing retirement? Are you confused by Social Security or unsure if you’re getting the most out of the benefits you’ve earned? Join my office at the San Marino Senior Apartments in Montclair for a free seminar with a representative from the Social Security Administration.
August 19, 2016 Event

Join my office for a free Social Security seminar with a representative from the Social Security Administration to learn about your benefits including:

  • The different types of Social Secuirty benefits
  • The annual Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA)
  • Changes in eligibility

Seniors, their families, and caregivers are welcome to attend.  Spanish translation services will also be available.  For more information and/or to RSVP, please call my office at (909) 481-6474.

July 21, 2016 Event

Join my office for a free Social Security seminar with a representative from the Social Security Administration to learn about your benefits including:

  • The different types of Social Secuirty benefits
  • The annual Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA)
  • Changes in eligibility

Seniors, their families, and caregivers are welcome to attend.  For more information and/or to RSVP, please call my office at (909) 481-6474.

April 9, 2015 Event

One in five seniors has been a victim of fraud, and new scams are developed constantly.
Join my office at a free Senior Scam Stopper seminar to learn how to protect yourself. Seniors, their families, and caregivers are welcome to attend.

For more information and/or to RSVP, please call my office at (909) 481-6474.

February 19, 2015 Event
One in five seniors has been a victim of fraud, and new scams are developed constantly. Join my office at a free Senior Scam Stopper seminar to learn how to protect yourself. Seniors, their families, and caregivers are welcome to attend.