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Larson, DeLauro, Courtney Applaud DoD Award for F135 Modernization

December 2, 2022

Washington, D.C. - Today, Reps. John B. Larson (CT-01), Rosa DeLauro (CT-03), and Joe Courtney (CT-02) celebrated a Department of Defense announcement awarding Pratt and Whitney $114,500,000 for F135 modernization.  

“The F135 is the most advanced, reliable and capable fighter engine the world has ever known,” said Larson. “For the last decade, the Pratt & Whitney engine has exceeded expectations and powered the aircraft through three major air vehicle and weapons payloads upgrades. Now is the time to invest in its modernization and the good paying union jobs in Connecticut that it supports. I am proud to have worked with my colleagues from Connecticut to appropriate this money.”  

“Pratt & Whitney is one of the foremost leaders in advanced technology and defense manufacturing,” said DeLauro. “The recent announcement will protect good paying union jobs in Connecticut, while providing a much needed charge to our economy. Pratt & Whitney employs more than 11,000 people in East Hartford and Middletown and is a core component of our state’s economy. I was proud to fight for this investment in F135 modernization, and you have my word that I will always fight to keep these jobs in Connecticut.” 

“As a senior member of the Armed Services Committee, I am proud to support critical modernization investments in the F135 engine—not only because it will help us maintain a critical advantage by enabling advanced capabilities in future blocks of the aircraft, but also because it supports hundreds of rewarding careers throughout our state,” said Rep. Courtney. “Those jobs aren’t only at Pratt & Whitney. We’ve got dozens of suppliers in eastern Connecticut who support production of the F135 engine, and when employers like Pratt & Whitney put in the work to earn these sorts of major contracts it also means success for our local defense manufacturing suppliers. As the demand signal from our Armed Services for new technologies continues to grow stronger, I will remain laser-focused on ensuring that our state continues to take full advantage of opportunities like these.” 

In March, Appropriations Chairwoman DeLauro and Reps. Larson and Courtney fought for and passed funding for F135 modernization efforts. Work on the F135 supports 27,000 jobs across Connecticut and results in more than half a billion dollars of direct spend in the state.  
