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Congressional App Challenge

Each year, members of the U.S. House of Representatives host a district-wide Congressional App Challenge. Middle school and high school students within California’s 16th Congressional District are eligible to create and submit their original apps to the Congressional App Challenge. This is an opportunity for students to seek interest in learning how to code and inspire them to pursue careers in computer science.


The winner from our district will be selected by a panel of judges and announced in December 2022. The winner’s app will be displayed in the U.S. Capitol and shown on The winners will be invited to #HouseOfCode, and more prizes may be announced at a later date.


Deadline for students to register and submit their app online: Tuesday, November 1, 2022.


Rules and Guidelines:

  • Students may register as individuals or as teams of up to four. No more than four students are allowed to form a team. 

  • Students may compete in the district they reside in or the district they attend school in. 

  • If competing as a team, at least half of the teammates must be eligible to compete in the district in which they are participating in. 

  • See the full rule book here.


Students can register and submit their app through the Congressional App Challenge's website clickhere.


For more information please call the Fresno District office at (559) 495-1620.