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Agriculture is our way of life, and the viability of our region depends on this industry. I am proud to represent the San Joaquin Valley, the most productive agricultural region in the world, producing more than 250 crops. As a third-generation farmer, I know of the challenges that farmers and ranchers deal with labor, trade, and water. I have always said food security is a national security issue, and we must work together to strengthen our nation’s food policy. That is why I am working to fix our broken water system, tackle food insecurity, and eliminate food supply chain disruptions, delaying our ability to put food on America’s dinner table.

Throughout my time in Congress, I have worked to ensure that our government recognizes the vital role Valley agriculture plays in our national economy. From working with multiple administrations to increase our water allocations, advocating for expanding trade opportunities to promoting market stability for the dairy industry, it is my top priority to help our agricultural economy grow. As a senior member of the House Agriculture Committee, I remain committed to fighting for the future of our region and American agriculture.


Supporting Valley Farmers & Agriculture

  • Successfully advocated for a 15% increase for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) through the American Rescue Plan, so families could afford groceries and better deal with food insecurity in the Valley and throughout our nation.

  • Passed the American Rescue Plan, which provided critical relief to support underserved farmers, strengthen our food supply chain and alleviate overtime costs for small meat and poultry processors.

  • Secured nearly $20 million for Fresno State through the American Rescue Plan to support dairy businesses in developing, producing, marketing, and distributing dairy products.

  • Led the efforts to extend dairy certifications for the European Union, set a balanced playing field for U.S. pork exports, and exempt family-owned farms from any potential changes to the stepped-up basis for capital gains.

  • Through the American Rescue Plan, $400 million were allocatedfor non-competitive cooperative agreements with state and tribal governments to support local, regional, and underserved producers through the purchase of food produced within the state or within 400 miles of the delivery destination.



  • Introduced the Emergency Relief Program (ERP) Reauthorization Act, which would offer critical assistance to agricultural producers to offset losses from wildfires, drought, hurricanes, derechos, freeze, polar vortex, excessive heat, and other qualifying natural disasters.

  • Working to pass S. 1251 - Growing Climate Solutions Actwould help farmers, ranchers, and foresters understand and access carbon markets, helping the environment and boosting farm income at the same time. Costa is an original co-sponsor of the House companion bill.

  • Co-sponsored H.R. 1919 – EATS Act would expand the eligibility for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) to students attending institutions of higher education.

  • PassedH.R. 7606 - Lower Food and Fuel Costs Act to bolster the food and agriculture supply chain, ensure fair competition in the meat and poultry sectors, and lower food and gasoline costs for American consumers. 

  • Co-sponsored and passed H.R. 7791 - Access to Baby Formula Actgrants the USDA the authority to waive certain requirements so families can continue purchasing safe infant formula with their WIC benefits during extenuating circumstances, such as a public health emergency or supply chain disruption. This bill was signed into law by President Biden.


Eliminating Food Supply Chain disruptions

With the supply chain disruptions because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Costa has taken a lead to the role to solve these issues on both a short-and-long-term basis.

  • Introducedthe bipartisan Ocean Shipping Antitrust Enforcement Act, which would remove exemptions for foreign shipping carriers from federal antitrust laws and address unfair practices that harm American businesses like unjustified container rate increases, exorbitant detention, and demurrage fees.

  • Introduced and co-sponsored the Freight Rail Shipping Fair Market Act, which would reauthorize the Surface Transportation Board (Board), the federal agency charged with the economic regulation of freight rail, and create a fair marketplace for the Class I freight railroads and their captured customers. 

  • Co-sponsored and took a lead role in passing the Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 2021. This legislation would update federal regulations for the global shipping industry, support American exports, and reduce trade imbalances with China and other countries. This legislation was signed into law by President Biden in June 2022.

  • Passed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which allocates $17 billion for our ports and waterways to repair maintenance backlogs, reduce congestion near ports, and drive low-carbon technologies.

  • Costa has led many outreach efforts with the Surface Transportation Board in response to the delay in feed delivery in California and parts of the country.

  • In January 2022, Costa led a bipartisan letter urging President Biden to take emergency action to help strengthen exports out of American ports.

  • In March 2021, Costa sent a bipartisan letter to Chairman Khouri at the Federal Maritime Commission expressing concern over reports that vessel-operating common carriers (VOCCs) declining to ship U.S. agricultural commodity exports from our ports. 

  • In November 2021, Costa sent a letter asking the Department of Labor head Sec. Walsh regarding the truck driving shortage and inflation. The ask in the letter was to urge the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) within the Department of Labor to prioritize Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act grant applications looking to become truck drivers.