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Agriculture is our way of life, and the viability of our region depends on this industry. I am proud to represent the San Joaquin Valley, the most productive agricultural region in the world, producing more than 250 crops. As a third-generation farmer, I know of the challenges that farmers and ranchers deal with labor, trade, and water. I have always said food security is a national security issue, and we must work together to strengthen our nation’s food policy.


Inflation is a global challenge, with countries seeing elevated levels of inflation over the past year. The pandemic changed how our economy works. As your representative in Congress, I am working on short –and –long-term solutions to address the global challenges of rising costs as a result of inflation and focusing on repairing our supply chain to reduce impacts at home. That is why we passed the Inflation Reduction Act which will lower kitchen table costs for Americans and slash the deficit by $300 billion, all while ensuring the ultra-wealthy and billionaires pay their fair share.

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Education is the key to the future success of our children and promoting long-term economic opportunity across the Valley. Providing access to a high-quality and affordable education is essential for our children to compete in today's ever-evolving workforce and to ensure that they can make the kind of living our parents fought to provide our generation.


Our Valley is rich in energy and natural resources that are critical to our nation. I believe in and support U.S. energy independence, which will advance our energy security, end dependence on foreign countries and create good-paying American jobs. We must also invest in energy efficiency while transitioning to cheaper, clean energy and other policies that will diversify and sustain our domestic energy sector.


Keeping Americans safe is my greatest responsibility as your representative in Congress. I believe that we must always take a diplomatic approach to our nation’s foreign policy. As a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, I am responsible for dealing with matters of national security abroad that affect us here at home. I am proud to work with my colleagues to strengthen our national security and global leadership.

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Valley residents deserve to have access to affordable, high-quality healthcare. No American should have to pick between affording life-saving medications and putting food on the table. Throughout my service in Congress, I have been working to expand healthcare coverage, train more medical professionals, build medical facilities and tackle health disparities in our Valley. I am continuing to fight in Congress to lower healthcare costs, strengthen the Affordable Care Act (ACA), protect those with preexisting conditions and ensure Americans have access to affordable, quality health care.


Homeownership helps to form the foundation of the American Dream. Throughout my service in Congress, I have fought to help Valley residents have access to affordable housing by fighting federal regulators to bring relief, tackling the homelessness crisis, and helping avoid potential foreclosures from affecting Valley families.


We are a nation of immigrants past and immigrants present. Since the formation of the United States of America, immigrants have made our country what it is today. However, our current immigration system is broken, and we must fix it.

HW 99 Ribbon Cutting

For far too long, we have been living off the investments of our grandparents. Throughout my service in Congress, I have made it a priority of mine to improve our infrastructure to compete and advance in the 21st century. I have secured federal funding to repair highways 99 and 41, water projects like Friant-Kern Canal, B.F. Sisk Dam, expanding Fresno Yosemite International Airport and advancing the construction of California’s high-speed rail project.

law enforcement

Law enforcement officers daily put their lives on the line to keep our communities safe. Many police departments across the nation are suffering from stretched budgets and shrinking police forces. That is why, I have taken a lead role to support law enforcement by carrying legislation to ensure resources, reform, and training to strengthen the security of our communities and nation. During the pandemic, I secured funding for local and state governments to ensure our officers received the compensation and resources they needed to keep our communities safe.