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Homelessness is one of the most common issues I hear about as I travel through the Central Valley. Almost 2,000 people, including about 250 kids, are homeless in Stanislaus County, and the numbers in San Joaquin County are just as troubling. We have to do more to get folks off the streets and into safe housing. I am committed to bringing federal support to our local governments and organizations to combat this growing problem in our communities.

We need a comprehensive solution to confront its root causes to get our neighbors back on their feet. That’s why I am a proud supporter of the Fighting Homelessness Through Services and Housing Act. This bipartisan bill would provide $750 million in federal investments to local governments and nonprofits to provide wrap-around services such as emergency housing, mental health services, treatment for substance abuse, and job training for people who are homeless.

For more information concerning work and views related to Homelessness, please contact our office.