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Health Care

Health care is a right, plain and simple. I came to Congress because my brother has a preexisting condition that left our family with a hundred-page medical bill. Without insurance, my parents never would have been able to afford the care he needed, but now insurance itself is becoming too expensive to afford. I hear similar stories from folks at every town hall and in every city I visit. Health care and prescription drug costs are out of control, in fact, the 43,000 people without insurance in our community could pay more than $600 a month for lifesaving medications like insulin. That’s unacceptable and I’m laser-focused on bringing those costs down.

The Affordable Care Act (also known as “the ACA” or “Obamacare”) was an important first step to getting health care for more people, especially folks with pre-existing conditions. I will always fight to protect that access and continue to expand health insurance coverage. I’m also working to bring down costs and bring more doctors and nurses to the Valley.

I’ve already passed multiple amendments through the House to help protect preexisting conditions and increase access to mental health coverage.

For more information concerning work and views related to Health, please contact our office.