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Learn about news and information related to Health.

Two men in work gear
Learn about initiatives and news items related to Jobs and Education.

warehouse manager shaking hands with warehouse worker
Read relevant news, information and initiatives regarding Water.

oil rig and sunset
Read relevant news, information and initiatives regarding Agriculture.

Rep. Harder shaking veterans hand
Learn about news and information related to Veterans issues.

Rep. Harder with constiuents

The Central Valley is a land of immigrants and a land of farmers. We all came here to work hard and get ahead. Just about everyone I talk to agrees that our immigration system is broken. For too long, partisanship has gotten in the way of fixing the real issues we’re facing. That has to change.


More and more lately, folks across our nation have started to segregate themselves by ideology, but you won’t see me on cable news fighting with folks – I’m focused on getting things done. We know better in the Central Valley. That’s why I’m proud to be one of the most bipartisan members in Congress. I’m collaborating with folks on both sides of the aisle to grow jobs and opportunity in the Central Valley, protect health care access, and increase our water supply.

Learn about news and information related to Homelessness.