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Environmental Justice

We are in a climate crisis. With increased natural disasters and a warming planet--we need large scale action to combat climate change and ensure everyone has access to clean air, clean water, and a healthy environment.

In Congress, my top environmental priority is addressing climate change and helping our country reduce its carbon footprint by transitioning away from a reliance on fossil fuels and moving towards a 100% clean energy economy. I am a strong advocate for policies that invest in renewable energy, champion green efficient manufacturing and uphold strong environmental protections. I'm also adamant that we must end the subsidies and tax breaks we currently gift to the millionaires and billionaires in the fossil fuel industry, and instead focus our federal investments in programs that will help build a healthier future for our children.

We must also end the extraction of fossil fuels that disproportionately impact communities of color and indigenous communities. We must respect tribal sovereignty and stop the building of fossil fuel infrastructure through tribal land and treaty territory. I oppose fossil fuel infrastructure projects that perpetuate environmental racism—the disproportionate pollution and environmental degradation experienced by communities of color and indigenous communities.

As part of this push to transition to a clean energy economy, we must prioritize workforce training and job creation in renewable sectors in order to support the workers who currently depend on the fossil-fuel industry. The thousands of Americans currently working in the coal industry need a safe transition to jobs in the new energy economy - jobs that include a living wage, a union, and employer-sponsored benefits. I will continue advocating for workforce investments in things like clean energy training centers, relocation support and employment outreach services to ensure a bright future for both our environment and our people.

For more information concerning work and views related to Environmental Justice, please contact our office.