Rep. Wild Votes to Enshrine Marriage Equality into Federal Law

December 8, 2022
Press Release

Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Representative Susan Wild voted to pass the bipartisan and bicameral Respect For Marriage Act, to enshrine marriage equality into federal law, ensuring that all Americans have the right to marry whomever they love.

“I am proud of my vote to protect the right to marriage equality—a right is not a right unless it is equally exercised by all,” said Rep. Wild. “We cannot allow families who depend on the rights and privileges secured by the guarantee of marriage equality to wonder if one day they will wake up in a nation that no longer recognizes their marriage, as many have since Justice Clarence Thomas called for the court to reconsider the Obergefell decision. Now, they will not have to worry.”

H.R. 8404, the Respect For Marriage Act will:

  • Repeal the Defense of Marriage Act, an unconstitutional and discriminatory law rendered inoperative by the Supreme Court’s decision in United States v. Windsor and Obergefell v. Hodges.
  • Enshrine marriage equality for federal law purposes.
  • Provide additional legal protections from individuals seeking to undermine marriage equality while acting under the color of state law.



