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In 1976, recognizing the need to coordinate the Federal science and technology policy, and provide the President with the best possible guidance on advances in science and technology, Congress established the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP). Today, OSTP works to maximize the benefits of science and technology to advance health, prosperity, security, environmental quality, and justice for all Americans. To accomplish this mission, OSTP:

  • provides advice to the President and the Executive Office of the President on all matters related to science and technology;
  • stewards the creation of bold visions, unified strategies, clear plans, wise policies, and effective, equitable programs for science and technology, working with departments and agencies across the Federal government and with Congress;
  • engages with external partners, including industry, academia, philanthropic organizations, and civil society; state, local, Tribal and territorial governments; and other nations; and
  • works to ensure inclusion and integrity in all aspects of science and technology.

OSTP is composed of a Director’s Office and six core policy teams: Climate and Environment, Energy, Health and Life Sciences, National Security, Science and Society, and the U.S. Chief Technology Officer. We are guided by a core set of values.

OSTP advises the President jointly with the Office of Management and Budget on Federal research development in budgets, works closely with the National Security Council on the American Pandemic Preparedness Plan, and leads the White House Cancer Moonshot.

OSTP’s Senate-confirmed Director may also serve as Assistant to the President for Science and Technology. The Director co-chairs the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) and supports the Cabinet-level National Science and Technology Council (NSTC), which is chaired by the President.

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