Training & Professional Development

Training & Professional Development

Training and professional development strengthen the public health workforce by helping professionals learn new skills and advance their careers.

National Leadership Academy for the Public's Health
National Leadership Academy for the Public's Health

NLAPH is a leadership development program that brings together teams of leaders from multiple sectors.

CDC Learning Connection Logo
CDC Learning Connection

A portal to public health training opportunities, continuing education offerings, and other educational tools developed by CDC and its partners

Typing on a laptop
Introduction to Systems Thinking

A core competency for public health professionals, systems thinking provides a framework for identifying and addressing the underlying causes of complex problems

Featured Resources

CDC TRAINexternal icon
National learning network to access public health learning products

Public Health Grand Rounds On Demand
Monthly webcast to foster discussion on major public health issues; each session focuses on a specific health topic and explores cutting-edge scientific evidence and interventions (CE credits available)

Public Health 101
Courses about the fundamentals of public health: epidemiology, informatics, surveillance, health economics, laboratory science, and more

Public Health Law Academy
Free online trainings that provide an understanding of the basics of our legal system and the use of law and policy for improving population health outcomes

CDC’s Division of Scientific Education and Professional Development
Support and services for state and local health departments

Become a PHAP Associate
PHAP associate in the field

The Public Health Associate Program (PHAP), within the Center for State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Support, is a competitive, two-year, paid CDC training program. PHAP associates are assigned to public health agencies and organizations in the United States and US territories, where they gain hands-on experience for a career in public health.

Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals

Workforce & Career Development

Workforce Development
Fellowships, Internships & Externships
Employment Opportunities
Page last reviewed: March 4, 2020