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Veterinary Public Health Section

Pet Importation and Exportation for Dogs and Cats

Interstate Pet Importation

California Entrance Requirements for Dogs:

All domestic dogs must be healthy. Dogs over four (4) months of age must have a certificate of current rabies vaccination. A health certificate, also known as a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI), is not required for privately owned dogs being brought into the State of California. Persons bringing dogs into California with intent to sell or transfer ownership must have a health certificate completed by a licensed veterinarian within the 10 days prior to the date of importation. The person seeking to bring a dog into the state must send a copy of the health certificate to the county health department in the county in which the dog is to be sold or in the county of residence of the person who is receiving the dog. All persons transporting dogs via commercial air should call the airline for any additional requirements they might have.

California Entrance Requirements for Cats: 

All domestic cats must be healthy. Neither a health certificate nor a rabies vaccination is required to import a cat into California; however, if traveling into California via airplane, please call the airline as they may have additional requirements.


Interstate Pet Exportation

Some U.S. states require a health certificate for dogs and cats entering their state. In California, there is no state-approved CVI for dogs, cats, or other small animals. Options available to accredited licensed veterinarians in California are an electronic CVI from a private company or independent provider, or the United States Interstate and International Certificate of Health Examination for Small Animals (APHIS Form 7001 (PDF)). Because some states do not accept the APHIS Form 7001, you should check with your state of destination in advance.

For state-specific information regarding the movement of pets from California to other U.S.States or Territories, click on the destination below:

Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas (PDF)Colorado, Connecticut (PDF), Delaware (PDF), Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri (PDF), MontanaNebraska (PDF), Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma (PDF), Oregon, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico (PDF), Rhode Island, South Carolina, South DakotaTennessee, Texas, UtahVermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, WisconsinWyoming (PDF)


International Pet Importation

In addition to the requirements stated above, dogs, cats, and other pets entering California from outside the United States must comply with federal requirements enforced by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS). Federal requirements vary according to the country or countries from which the pet is being imported.

Please carefully check both the CDC website and the USDA-APHIS website to determine what, if any, additional docmentation is required for your pet to enter the U.S.


International Pet Exportation

Please visit the USDA website for detailed information about this process.ā€‹ā€‹

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