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Preventing Work-Related Valley Fever

Valley fever, also called Coccidioidomycosis or "cocci", is an illness caused by a fungus found in the soil in many parts of California, especially the Central Valley and Central Coast. For some, it can be serious and even fatal. People who inhale fungal spores released when the soil is disturbed, may get Valley fever. 

Construction workers and others who work outdoor are at risk for Valley fever, especially if they dig or disturb soil, operate heavy machinery, or work under windy conditions.

A new California law, AB 203 of 2019, requires construction employers who work in counties with high rates of Valley fever to train their employees on minimizing the risk of Valley fever by May 1, 2020 and then annually .

The Occupational Health Branch (OHB) has investigated Valley fever outbreaks in worker groups and has developed recomendations for preventing work-related Valley fever. 


NEW!! Posters and fact sheets for the workplace


Beware of Dusty Air (PDF) -  awareness poster
Are You at Risk for Valley Fever? (PDF) - informational poster
Valley Fever Could Be Where You Work (PDF) - worker fact sheet
Valley Fever Facts for Employers (PDF) - employer fact sheet
Beware of Dusty Air (PDF) - wallet card for workers

Webinars and trainings

  • Preventing Valley Fever in Construction Workers - 1-hour webinar for construction employers and health and safety professionals, 2018. Note: This presentation does NOT cover 2020 worker training requirements. 
    Presentation slides (PDF)   |    Recorded webinar presentation (password required: VFeverAug21)

OHB resources

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