Programs for People with Disabilities

Find TWC programs and services for Texans with physical or cognitive disabilities, including blindness or visual impairment.

Vocational Rehabilitation Services

Vocational Rehabilitation programs help people with disabilities prepare for, find or retain employment and help youth and students prepare for post-secondary opportunities.  The programs also help businesses and employers recruit, retain and accommodate employees with disabilities.

Independent Living Services for Older Individuals Who Are Blind

Independent Living Services for Older Individuals Who Are Blind serve people 55 and older with significant visual impairments needing assistance with independent living skills, technology and support services.

Purchasing from People with Disabilities

Purchasing from People with Disabilities advances the state’s policy of encouraging and assisting persons with disabilities to achieve personal independence by engaging in useful, productive employment.

Business Enterprises of Texas

Business Enterprises of Texas (BET) is a federally sponsored, state-administered program that helps Texans who are blind or visually impaired set up a business managing cafeteria facilities.  BET also manages vending services contract.