Open Records Requests


Request Records

In order to ensure timely processing of your request, we encourage use of our online request system or our self-service options. Other options for filing a request are included below. Open Records personnel are unable to assist with password reset or access issues related to the Unemployment Benefits System. Please see Unemployment Benefit Services.

The Open Records team is not able to answer questions about UI, including resetting of Personal Identification Numbers. For questions about Unemployment Benefits Services Support, please call 800-939-6631 for assistance. If you have questions about benefits, please call Unemployment Benefit Services Support or please see Unemployment Benefit Services.


On this page:


Request Records Online

To file an Open Records Request, please use the online system by clicking the “Request Records Online” link above and providing the requested information.”

Self-service Access to records without an Open Records Request

TWC provides self-service access to these records:

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Public Information (Open Records)

The Texas Public Information Act (Texas Government Code Chapter 552) makes most of the information in the possession of a governmental body available to the public.  "Public information" or "open records" refers to information collected, assembled or maintained by or for a governmental body during the conduct of business. 

We are committed to upholding the Public Information Act and ensuring public access to our records.  All TWC records are available to the public unless an exception to disclosure listed in the Public Information Act or other law applies.  You may find more detailed information on the Public Information Act on the Office of Attorney General (OAG) website.  If you have questions regarding the Public Information Act, call the OAG's Open Government hotline at 512-478-6736 or 877-673-6839.

TWC posts reports, plans and publications and other documents on the TWC website to support transparency in government.  Labor market information and statistics are also available online.

We provide self-service access to a number of record types, online or by phone.  For some records you will need to submit a written request.  If after reviewing the information on this page you have questions regarding how to make a request to TWC for public information, call our Public Information Coordinator at 512-463-2422.

*The Open Records team is not able to answer questions about UI, including resetting of Personal Identification Numbers. For questions about Unemployment Benefits Services Support, please call 800-939-6631 for assistance.

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Cost of Copies

TWC uses the public information cost rules set by the OAG in determining the charges for providing copies of public information or for making public information available for inspection under the Public Information Act. Information may be requested in paper or electronic format. Postage charges may apply. Common charges for requests are:

  • Standard paper copy:  $0.10 per one-sided page
  • Personnel time:
    • Programming:  $28.50 per hour
    • Manipulation of data:  $15.00 per hour
    • Other Staff Labor:  $15.00 per hour
  • Overhead charge:  20% of personnel time charge

If costs are estimated to exceed $40.00, the requestor will be provided with an itemized estimate of charges and required to accept the charges in writing before the request is completed.  TWC requires payment before the information is provided. If actual costs differ from estimated costs, overpayments or amounts owed will be reimbursed or billed as appropriate.

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About Confidential Records

Some TWC records are confidential by law and can be released only to specific people based on their role in a claim or file. Generally, you have to have been directly involved in the claim or case and in some cases it must be closed to get a copy of a TWC investigation record.

Examples of our confidential records include unemployment benefits claimant files, employer tax account information, employment discrimination complaint files, housing discrimination complaint information and wage claim investigations files.

TWC complies with all laws and rules on the release of confidential records, including who is and is not entitled to certain information and whether some information must be redacted (removed) from the record before it is released.  If the record you are seeking exists and you are entitled to it, then we will review and redact it to ensure its release complies with applicable laws and rules.  The review process may include removing specific personal and identifying information.  However, members of law enforcement agencies and certain other entities including those with subpoena authority may get records without redaction.

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Request Records in Person

For individuals’ requesting a copy of their own wage records showing Texas employer reported quarterly gross wages going back five years, go in person to your local Workforce Solutions office and  present your state or government-issued photo ID, such as your Texas drivers’ license and your social security number. For wages beyond five years, go to your local Social Security Administration office.   

Requests for other TWC records may be requested and picked up in person. Records may not be available the same day as requested. Appointments for pickup may be necessary.

  • In person:
    TWC Open Records
    101 E 15th St, Rm 266
    Austin, TX 78701

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Request Records by Phone

  • Unemployment benefits claim information:  Call the TWC Tele-Center at 800-939-6631.
  • Tax account information:  Call your Unemployment Tax Office.
  • For other TWC departments that may provide records to you in the course of handling your claim, account, complaint or other service see our other services contact information.

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Request Records by Written Request

Records may be requested electronically. You may also complete a Request for Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) Records form and follow the instructions.

To obtain your own records, you will need to provide proof of identification such as a copy of your government-issued photo ID.

For records of someone you represent, provide a signed authorization from the person or entity to obtain their records, proof of your legal representation, a court order authorizing TWC to release the records, or an explanation of your authority to obtain confidential records.

For records regarding a person other than you, that information may be confidential by law and TWC may not be authorized by law to release such information without a signed authorization.

For records of someone you represent, provide a signed authorization from the person or entity to obtain their records, proof of your legal representation, a court order authorizing TWC to release the records, or an explanation of your authority to obtain confidential records.

For records regarding a person other than you, that information may be confidential by law and TWC may not be authorized by law to release such information without a signed authorization.

How to Submit A Request in Writing

A request for record may be submitted online through our online request portal. If you cannot use the online request system or would like to submit a request through other means, you may also send the required information to make a request by mail, email attachment or fax, or deliver in person during our business hours. If you submit the request electronically, be sure to encrypt any confidential data.

If you are submitting your request electronically, you may use the online portal to submit your request as well as receive updates and your documents. You may also email your request to our designated email box,

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Request Records for External Research or Studies

We encourage well-founded research regarding employment and training. Obtain instructions on how to request information for conducting research, evaluations or studies:

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