Find child care services, explore local transportation options, find help with food and housing expenses, find employment support for people with disabilities, and research other employment support assistance and resources.

Explore Child Care Services

Find child care services available to parents who work, attend school, or participate in job training. TWC subsidizes child care for eligible low-income families and educates parents about the availability of quality child care.

Find Transportation Options

Find links to public transportation options in Texas, including statewide, intercity and regional agencies.

Save on Your Taxes

Learn about the Earned Income Tax Credit, a special tax benefit for people who work full- or part-time. Those who qualify will owe less in taxes and may get cash back.

Find Support Help in Texas

Find information about services offered in your community, including food and housing, child care, crisis counseling or substance abuse treatment and other assistance. 2-1-1 Texas is a free, confidential information and referral line answered by nationally certified specialists to connect you with services.