Household Checklist

Household Checklist

Get your household ready for COVID-19. As a family, you can plan and make decisions now that will protect you and your family.

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Stay informed and in touch
  • Get up-to-date information about local COVID-19 activity from public health officials.
  • Create a list of local organizations you and your household can contact in case you need access to information, healthcare services, support, and resources.
  • Create an emergency contact list including family, friends, neighbors, carpool drivers, healthcare providers, teachers, employers, the local public health department, and other community resources.
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Prepare for possible illness
  • Consider members of the household who may have an increased risk for severe illness.
  • Choose a room in your house that can be used to separate sick household members from others.
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Those at higher risk for severe illness
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Take everyday preventive actions
  • Wash your hands frequently.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Stay at least 6 feet (about 2 arm lengths) from other people.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
  • Wear a mask when you go out in public.
    • Masks should not be placed on young children under age 2, anyone who has trouble breathing, or is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance.
  • More on how to protect yourself

If you have a fever, cough or other symptoms, you might have COVID-19. Most people have mild illness and are able to recover at home. If you think you may have been exposed to COVID-19, contact your healthcare provider.

  • Keep track of your symptoms.
  • If you have an emergency warning sign (including trouble breathing), get emergency medical care immediately.
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If someone in your home is sick
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Generations in the household
  • Those who are at an increased risk for severe illness: take additional precautions. Make sure you have access to several weeks of medications and supplies in case you need to stay home. Stay at home if possible.
  • Children: How to keep kids healthy. Notify your child’s school or daycare if your child becomes sick with COVID-19.
  • Take care of the emotional health of your household members, including yourself.
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Pets in the household
  • Treat pets as you would other human family members – do not let pets interact with people outside the household.