Named Rooms of the House

Lindy Claiborne Boggs Congressional Women’s Reading Room/tiles/non-collection/n/named_rooms_boggs_room_ocomm_clerk.xml Image courtesy of the Office of the Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives The Lindy Claiborne Boggs Congressional Women’s Reading Room was the first room in the House named after a woman.
The rarely bestowed honor of naming rooms for Representatives and staff began in 1962. That year, the House paid tribute to the longest-serving Speaker of the House, Sam Rayburn, by naming the East Front’s ornate new reception room for him. When the Rayburn House Office Building opened in 1965, the Committee on Armed Services saluted its recently retired leader, Carl Vinson, with the first named hearing room in the House.

Since those first designations in the 1960s, the House bestowed similar honors. In 1977, Ernest Petinaud, longtime head waiter in the House Restaurant and recipient of the McCormack Award, became the first staffer and first African American acknowledged with a room name. Representative Lindy Boggs was the first woman with a room named for her, in 1990, and Representative Elijah Cummings the first African-American Representative likewise honored in 2019.

Capitol Building

Room NumberNameNamed ForYear of Resolution or Dedication
H-117The Petinaud RoomErnest S. Petinaud, Head waiter, House Restaurant (1925-1973)1977
H-120Charles E. Bennett RoomRepresentative from Florida1993
H-130G.V. “Sonny” Montgomery RoomRepresentative from Mississippi2000
H-139Henry J. Hyde RoomRepresentative from Illinois
Chairman, Committee on the Judiciary (1995-2000), Committee on International Relations (2001-2006)
H-140George Mahon RoomRepresentative from Texas
Chairman, Committee on Appropriations (1963-1978)
H-207Rayburn Reception RoomRepresentative from Texas
Speaker of the House (1941-1961)
H-222Gabrielle Giffords-
Leo J. Ryan Cloakroom
Representative from Arizona
Representative from California
H-226Lincoln RoomRepresentative from Illinois
President (1861-1865)
H-230–H-232Robert H. Michel RoomsRepresentative from Illinois
Minority Leader (1981-1994)
H-235Lindy Claiborne Boggs Congressional Women’s Reading RoomRepresentative from Louisiana1990
H-236Richard K. Armey RoomRepresentative from Texas
Majority Leader (1995-2002)
H-324Thomas P. O’Neill, Jr., RoomRepresentative from Massachusetts
Speaker of the House (1977-1986)

Capitol Visitor Center

Room NumberNameNamed ForYear of Resolution or Dedication
HVC-215Gabriel Zimmerman Meeting RoomSlain staffer of Representative Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona20111

Cannon House Office Building

Room NumberNameNamed ForYear of Resolution or Dedication
140Ed Jones RoomRepresentative from Tennessee
Chairman, Subcommittee on Conservation, Credit and Rural Development, Committee on Agriculture (1977-1988)

Longworth House Office Building

Room NumberNameNamed ForYear of Resolution or Dedication
1139William McKinley RoomRepresentative from Ohio
Chairman, Committee on Ways and Means (1889-1891)
President (1897-1901)
1324Morris K. Udall RoomRepresentative from Arizona
Chairman, Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs (1977-1992)
1334Walter B. Jones RoomRepresentative from North Carolina
Chairman, Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries (1981-1992)

Rayburn House Office Building

Room NumberNameNamed ForYear of Resolution or Dedication
2020Sam Johnson RoomRepresentative from Texas
Chairman, Subcommittee on Social Security, Committee on Ways and Means (2011-2016)
2118Carl Vinson RoomRepresentative from South Carolina
Chairman, Committee on Naval Affairs (1931-1946), Committee on Armed Services (1949-1952, 1955-1964)
2128Wright Patman RoomRepresentative from Texas
Chairman, Committee on Banking (1963-1972)
2172Thomas E. Morgan RoomRepresentative from Pennsylvania
Chairman, Committee on Foreign Affairs (1959-1974), Committee on International Relations (1975-1976)
2154Elijah E. Cummings RoomRepresentative from Maryland
Chairman, Committee on Oversight and Government Reform (2019)
2175Carl D. Perkins RoomRepresentative from Kentucky
Chairman, Committee on Education and Labor (1967-1984)
2339F. Edward Hébert RoomRepresentative from Louisiana
Chairman, Committee on Armed Services (1971-1974)
2359John W. McCormack RoomRepresentative from Massachusetts
Speaker of the House (1961-1970)

Sources: House Committee on Armed Services, Dedication Ceremony, Carl Vinson Room, 89th Cong., 1st Sess., H. Doc. 152 (1965); Congressional Record, House, 95th Cong. 1st sess. (4 August 1977): 27090; H. Res. 582, 99th Cong. (1986); H. Res. 525, 101st Cong. (1990); H. Res 65, 104th Cong. (1995); H. Res. 491, 105th Cong. (2000); H. Res 19, 108th Cong. (2003); H. Res. 1087, 109th Cong. (2006); H. Res. 364, 112th Cong. (2011); H. Res. 615, 115th Cong. (2017); H. Res. 226, 115th Cong. (2018); Baltimore Sun, 27 February 2020; Chicago Tribune, 7 July 1962; Norfolk Virginian-Pilot, 19 January 1995; Pittsburgh Press, 22 May 1977; St. Petersburg Times, 6 July 1993; Times-Picayune (New Orleans), 30 December 1979; Washington Post, 23 May 1991.


1Room dedication took place in 2013.

2Name removed in 2017 as part of the Cannon Renewal Project.

3Name removed in November 1986.