Résumés of Congressional Activity, 1947–2019

A comprehensive account of legislative business by the House of Representatives, including Congress session information and totals of resolutions introduced and passed. The list dates to 1947.

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80th Congress (1947–1949)81st Congress (1949–1951)
82nd Congress (1951–1953)83rd Congress (1953–1955)
84th Congress (1955–1957)85th Congress (1957–1959)
86th Congress (1959–1961)87th Congress (1961–1963)
88th Congress (1963–1965)89th Congress (1965–1967)
90th Congress (1967–1969)91st Congress (1969–1971)
92nd Congress (1971–1973)93rd Congress (1973–1975)
94th Congress (1975–1977)95th Congress (1977–1979)
96th Congress (1979–1981)97th Congress (1981–1983)
98th Congress (1983–1985)99th Congress (1985–1987)
100th Congress (1987–1989)101st Congress (1989–1991)
102nd Congress (1991–1993)103rd Congress (1993–1995)
104th Congress (1995–1999)105th Congress (1997–1999)
106th Congress(1999–2001)  107th Congress (2001–2003)  
108th Congress (2003–2005)  109th Congress (2005–2007)  
110th Congress (2007–2009)  111th Congress (2009–2011)  
112th Congress (2011–2013)113th Congress (2013–2015)
114th Congress (2015–2017)115th Congress (2017–2019)