Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart

Representing the 25th District of FLORIDA

Diaz-Balart: We Must Continue to Stand with the Venezuelan People

Jul 23, 2019
Press Release


WASHINGTON, D.C. ­­–– Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart (FL-25) issued the following statement after the House failed to gather the necessary votes to pass Venezuela TPS Act of 2019 under suspension of the rules.

“I am disappointed that the House failed to muster the supermajority needed to pass the Venezuela TPS Act under suspension of the rules. Temporary Protected Status is crucial to the thousands of Venezuelan nationals that have sought safety in the United States in the years that the Chavez-Maduro regimes have ravished the once prosperous and democratic Venezuela. I will continue working with my dear friend Congressman Darren Soto and my other colleagues to pass this important legislation under regular order.

“I have strongly supported the Trump administration’s imposition of tough sanctions on the Maduro regime, and it is that same rationale that warrants protecting Venezuelans who have fled the repressive Maduro regime. Our ultimate goal must be freedom for the Venezuelan people. Until then, it is crucial that we allow Venezuelan nationals to remain safely in the United States. It would be unconscionable to force them to return to the perilous oppression, crime, and destitution of Venezuela today.”

