Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart

Representing the 25th District of FLORIDA

Diaz-Balart: Democratic Leadership Rejects Another Bipartisan Solution to End Shutdown

Jan 22, 2019
Press Release

WASHINGTON ­­– Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart (FL-25) issued the following statement after he testified before the House Rules Committee on his amendment that includes $5.7 billion in border security, the most recent version of the DREAM bill presented by House Democrats, a permanent solution for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) beneficiaries with status nearing expiration, and $12.7 billion in supplemental disaster relief.

“At the Rules Committee this evening, I presented a commonsense solution to end this government shutdown. The amendment I proposed includes funding for border security, provides permanent relief for DREAMers and TPS recipients, and delivers critical dollars to communities impacted by natural disasters.  This shutdown is unnecessary and is hurting the thousands of federal employees furloughed and the countless American families who depend on federal programs. I am exceedingly disappointed Democratic leadership has yet again rejected an amendment which would garner bipartisan support and will not have the opportunity to be debated on the House floor. My amendment not only gets us closer to reopening our government, but also protects our national security, addresses vulnerable immigrant communities who seek legal status, and helps those who are rebuilding after Hurricane Michael. Once again, I urge Democratic leadership to consider a real solution to ending the shutdown, whether it be one of my proposals or that of another Member of Congress, that will have a fair chance at Senate consideration and becoming law.”

Earlier this month, Diaz-Balart presented four similar amendments that addressed DREAMers, TPS, and border security and would have opened the government. Democratic leadership also rejected those amendments.
