O’Halleran: More must be done to address COVID-19 in Arizona, nationally

June 18, 2020
Press Release

VILLAGE OF OAK CREEK—Today, over one month after House passage of the Heroes Act, and following continued reports that COVID-19 cases are rising in Arizona, Congressman Tom O’Halleran (AZ-01) released the following statement urging swift, bicameral action to secure funding and resources for struggling American families, and the rapid development of a comprehensive, national response plan.

“As a nation, we have seen tragedy and unrest these last few weeks. We’ve also seen the hopeful beginnings of many positive changes. But as the focus of our news cycle has shifted, we must remember that we are still in the midst of a public health emergency. Confirmed coronavirus cases are on the rise across Arizona, and we have become the nation’s new hot spot.

“As Governor Ducey considers additional steps to address this pandemic, it is imperative that he keeps the Arizona federal delegation apprised of his actions. This week, I reiterated my request for him to host weekly calls with all the Members of our delegation – as many Governors have – so we can receive timely updates from him and discuss how we in Congress can continue to be of assistance.

“Last night, I was relieved to see the governor announce that Arizona would expand and fund contact tracing efforts, call up the National Guard for assistance, enhance public awareness through comprehensive education campaigns, and permit local governments to implement and enforce their own mask policies. Arizona is trending dangerously in the wrong direction, and these steps were overdue.

“However, this kind of plan should have already existed at the national level.

“In April, I joined the House Problem Solvers Caucus—a bipartisan group comprised of 25 Republicans and 25 Democrats—to release our Recovery and Back to Work Checklist, a multi-prong, data-driven proposal for reopening America that focuses first on health care needs and then on reigniting the economy safely. I am disappointed that the administration continues to overlook thoughtful proposals like ours that prioritize public health and instead leave state and local leaders to make critical decisions in a void of helpful information or direction.

“This national emergency requires continual, ongoing discussion about how we can work together to overcome new challenges, establish programs that work, and provide aid to struggling families. I am willing to work with anyone of any party, and am eager to come to the table and identify actionable changes and concrete solutions we can implement to address this spike in COVID-19 cases before our health systems reach capacity and hard choices must be made.

“However, I am frustrated that my colleagues in the Senate are currently refusing to consider additional legislation to address the public health and economic effects of this global pandemic. Families and small businesses across our country continue to suffer.

“Over one month ago, the House of Representatives voted to pass the Heroes Act—our fifth legislative package to mitigate the effects of the coronavirus by providing funding for testing, tracing, and treatment operations, state, local, and tribal governments, relief for small businesses in new loans, grants, and tax credits, and lifelines for critical agencies at risk of going under, like the United States Postal Service.

“We must move forward with discussions and debate on critical COVID-19-related issues and can use this bill to jumpstart that process in Congress. As elected officials, our doors must always be open for debate, discussion, and direction from our constituents. Right now, Arizona families are counting on their elected leaders, and are instead seeing families suffering and lives lost.

“There is precious little time left to correct course. We must come together on both sides of the aisle to pass needed, additional legislation and implement a comprehensive, national plan before this fall.”

View O’Halleran’s letter to Governor Ducey, here.
