O’Halleran Calls for Funding for USPS

June 11, 2020
Press Release

WASHINGTON—Today, Congressman Tom O’Halleran (AZ-01) joined 137 other House Members in a bipartisan letter to Senate leadership urging them to pass legislation providing $25 billion in emergency grants to the United States Postal Service (USPS). Funding is desperately needed to offset USPS revenue losses as a result of COVID-19, which are now expected to total $22 billion over the next 18 months and could force the agency to close.

"The USPS represents what is best about America,” the lawmakers wrote. “It is one of the largest employers of veterans, boasts a diverse workforce, and handles 48 percent of the world’s mail. If Congress is unable to preserve this critical institution, it will severely impact our way of life, including putting the health and safety of older Americans at risk.”

View the letter, HERE.

The Heroes Act, which passed the House on May 15, included $25 billion in emergency appropriations to help the USPS keep its doors open, a provision O'Halleran and others had called for prior to the introduction of the legislation. 
