A message from Tom


Dear neighbor, 

Right now, we are fighting an invisible enemy. As we all do our part and adjust many aspects of our daily lives to help slow the spread of this virus, I am laser-focused on hearing from Arizona families about their individual struggles and working to secure funding and resources that support families, businesses, health care workers, veterans, and Tribal communities.

My staff and I are working around the clock to ensure you have accurate, up-to-date information to help keep your family safe and healthy. I know it seems like there is no end to the information out there, so we put together these resources to help point you in the right direction. For specific information on a variety of issues, you can follow the links on the COVID-19 drop-down menu above, or use the links on the side of this page.

I also encourage you to sign up for my newsletter, HERE, to receive information and resources about the coronavirus directly to your inbox.

To keep my staff safe and able to continue serving you, I have announced updated office procedures for my DC and district offices. These are subject to change as we learn more about the spread of COVID-19. 

Now is the time to prepare, not to panic. Stay informed and trust only official sources, like your health care provider, government scientists and experts, and the CDC. Be wary of information from non-verified sources, especially on social media. 

I know we are living in uncertain times, and each day presents new challenges, but together, as Americans, we will get through this.


Tom O'Halleran

