Congressman Tim Ryan Introduces Legislation to Provide $250 Billion to Local Communities in Coronavirus Stabilization Funds | Congressman Tim Ryan
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Congressman Tim Ryan Introduces Legislation to Provide $250 Billion to Local Communities in Coronavirus Stabilization Funds

April 9, 2020
Press Release

Washington D.C.—Today Congressman Tim Ryan cosponsored the Coronavirus Community Relief Act, new legislation to provide $250 billion in stabilization funds for local communities, cities, and towns across the United States that are struggling amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act, or the CARES Act, signed into law on March 27th, provided $150 billion in stabilization funds for states and larger communities, but capped localities able to receive direct support at those with populations of over 500,000. This excludes metropolitan areas, like Youngstown, Akron, and Warren; as well as towns, cities, and rural counties that have been hit hard by the COVID-19 outbreak.

“This is a virus that does not discriminate. Communities both big and small have been hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic. It is critical that every community receives the direct stabilization funds that they need to address this public health crisis and recover economically when we are on the other side. I am proud to join cosponsor this important legislation to get all our communities, regardless of size, the support they so desperately need,” said Rep. Tim Ryan (OH-13). 

See the bill text here
