Congressman Tim Ryan Announces $40 Million for Ohio Health Centers, $1.4 Million For Akron | Congressman Tim Ryan
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Congressman Tim Ryan Announces $40 Million for Ohio Health Centers, $1.4 Million For Akron

April 9, 2020
Press Release

Akron, OH – Congressman Tim Ryan today announced that Ohio will receive $40,732,260 in supplemental funding from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act to support 51 Ohio health centers amid the coronavirus pandemic. Of that funding, Asian Services in Action, Inc. and Axesspointe Community Health Center Inc. in Akron will receive a total of $1,419,430 – this funding is in addition to the nearly $900,000 Youngstown received yesterday

This HHS funding will be used to support Ohio health centers' ability to detect, prevent, diagnose, and treat COVID-19 as well as help maintain or increase health center capacity and staff those organizations who receive funding.

“As our community fights tooth and nail against the coronavirus, we must ensure those on the front lines have the resources needed to protect our community, treat their patients, and keep themselves safe. I’m proud to use my position on the House Appropriations Committee to help bring this funding back to Ohio. This funding will be crucial to secure the resources we need to come out on top of this crisis,” said Congressman Tim Ryan.

HHS awarded a total of more than $1.3 billion to 1,387 US health centers as part of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Health centers receiving this funding may use the awards to help communities across the country detect coronavirus; prevent, diagnose, and treat COVID-19; and maintain or increase health capacity and staffing levels to address this public health emergency.

To see the full list of Ohio recipients, click here.
