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The strength of our education system directly impacts our nation’s ability to compete in the global marketplace. Today, the next generation of great innovators, businessmen, and scientists are sitting in classrooms across the country. Prioritizing our students is the safest and smartest investment we can make as a nation. We need federal policies that ensure schools have the resources necessary to help our students succeed, to make higher education accessible, and to ensure that our students are ready for 21st century careers.

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education

Expanding STEM education is the key for America to remain a leader in innovation in the global economy. Most jobs today require at least a basic understanding of technology and computer skills. I’m committed to expanding STEM education in our country and getting our students interested in STEM fields. I’ve introduced legislation that would incentivize college graduates with degrees in a STEM field to teach for 5 years. To complement my legislative efforts, I’ve worked with STEM professionals across our district to build a STEM Academy where these experts serve as teachers, mentors and role models – inspiring students in the Second Congressional District to pursue careers in STEM fields.  

Education and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)

In today’s increasingly globalized age, we need federal education policies that prepare our students to compete with their international counterparts. According to the 2012 Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development’s Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) results, our nation’s academic scores have remained stagnant while other nations’ scores have improved significantly. Our children and our nation deserve better. 
A re-write of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), also known as “No Child Left Behind,” is long overdue.  We need a bipartisan and transparent approach to re-writing No Child Left Behind. Through a collaborative effort, we can ensure that under-performing schools have the funds they need, that teachers aren’t forced to unnecessarily change their curricula to accommodate high stakes tests, and that every student is college and career-ready. 

Higher Education

Today, as more and more jobs require advanced degrees and training, access to higher education is becoming a necessity. Yet, the cost of higher education has grown astronomically in the past few decades, burdening millions of students and their families with significant debt while making college inaccessible to countless more. In fact, student loan debt is the second largest type of debt in America, greater than credit card debt and exceeded only by mortgage debt.  I strongly support federal policies that increase college affordability, and promote student loan refinancing, and lowering of student loan interest rates.  


For more information concerning my work and views on Education, please contact me.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you.

See also information on student financial aid.

More on Education

Sep 25, 2020 In The News

Reps. Will Hurd, R-Texas, and Robin Kelly, D-Ill., want to see their resolution to create a national artificial intelligence strategy passed this year, possibly during Congress’ upcoming “lame duck” session.

The House Committee on Science, Space and Technology is handling the resolution, and its authors are currently “twisting arms” for more co-sponsors, Hurd said during the launch of MITRE‘s Center for Data-Driven Policy on Thursday.

Sep 21, 2020 In The News

Reps. Will Hurd, R-Texas and two-time Wash100 Award recipient, and Robin Kelly, D-Ill., have presented a bipartisan resolution that aims to establish a national strategy in pursuit of artificial intelligence.

Microsoft, Amazon Web Services (AWS), IBM and other information technology companies have shown support for the resolution that highlights AI’s strategic value, Hurd’s office said Friday.

Sep 21, 2020 In The News

Reps. Robin Kelly, D-Ill., and Will Hurd, R-Texas introduced a Congressional resolution detailing a national strategy for artificial intelligence that proposes a unified approach for developing U.S. leadership in AI.  

Aug 14, 2020 Press Release

Congresswoman Robin Kelly announced today that the Museum of Science and Industry has been awarded a $225,782 federal grant that will help digitize a significant portion of its artifacts and build a new online website providing free public access to thousands of those artifacts.

Apr 23, 2020 Press Release

Matteson, IL – Tuesday, Congresswoman Robin Kelly hosted a telephone town hall with educators from the 2nd Congressional District to discuss the first three COVID19 response bills and hear suggestions for further legislative relief efforts.

Apr 17, 2020 Press Release

Matteson, IL – Today, Congresswoman Robin Kelly hosted a telephone town hall with school superintendents from the 2nd Congressional District to discuss the first three COVID19 response bills and hear suggestions for further legislative relief efforts.

Feb 28, 2020 In The News

KANKAKEE — Signing into a website for banking or any other online service can feel like a gamble, as hackers continually get more advanced in their pursuit of users’ sensitive personal information.

There’s an app for that.

Feb 19, 2020 Press Release

U.S. Representative Robin Kelly is sponsoring a 2020 Congressional Art Competition open to high school students residing or attending a school within the Second Congressional District.

The winner will have the opportunity to attend a ceremony this summer in Washington D.C., where his or her artwork will be displayed at the U.S. Capitol for one year. The artwork of second- and third-place winners will be displayed in Rep. Kelly’s district offices.

Feb 12, 2020 Press Release

U.S. Representative Robin Kelly is sponsoring a 2020 Congressional Art Competition open to high school students residing or attending a school within the Second Congressional District.

The winner will have the opportunity to attend a ceremony this summer in Washington D.C., where his or her artwork will be displayed at the U.S. Capitol for one year. The artwork of second- and third-place winners will be displayed in Rep. Kelly’s district offices.

Dec 13, 2019 Press Release

Matteson, IL - In recognition of Computer Science Education Week, Congresswoman Robin Kelly announced David Love, a student at Kankakee High School, won the 2019 Congressional App Challenge (CAC) for the 2nd District.

David developed an App called “Virtual ATM,” designed to serve as a virtual banking system. A video demonstrating his “Virtual ATM” app can be viewed here.


Robin Kelly



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