Brindisi’s first bill signed into law, extends VA programs


October 4, 2019
In The News

A bill to extend housing and travel programs for veterans sponsored by U.S. Rep. Anthony Brindisi was signed into law by President Donald Trump on Monday, Sept. 30.

The Department of Veterans Affairs Expiring Authorities Act of 2019 preserves VA housing and travel programs that were set to expire at the end of September, according to Brindisi’s office. The legislation, co-sponsored by Republican Congressman Mike Bost of Illinois, had passed both the House and the Senate in Congress earlier in September.

“Extending these key VA programs shows how much we can accomplish when we work together to get things done,” Brindisi said.

The law makes technical corrections to the VA statute and extends the following programs:

• A two-year extension of authority to fund financial assistance for supportive services for very low-income veteran families in permanent housing (authorizes appropriations at $380 million).

• A one-year extension of VA’s authority to temporarily expand payments and allowances for beneficiary travel in connection with veterans receiving care from vet centers.

• A one-year extension of VA’s authority relating to vendee loans.

• A one-year extension of VA’s authority to operate a regional office in the Philippines.
