Science & Technology

I came to Congress to do big things and promote the cause of science. The biggest challenges facing our country deserve innovative solutions, and I believe that we need to empower our scientists and engineers to find them. I am honored to serve on the Science, Space, and Technology Committee - and on its Energy Subcommittee - because I believe the federal government has a critical role to play in powering innovation.

I also am proud to support the two national laboratories in our district, Lawrence Livermore and Sandia, in my work in Congress as they are on the forefront of many technological breakthroughs that will power the future.

What I am Doing for You

I introduced H.R. 2687, the Securing Energy Critical Elements and American Jobs Act, to promote collaboration and research in the fields of energy critical elements and to ensure a reliable supply of rare earth elements. These elements are critical for numerous advanced technologies from hybrid vehicles and solar panels to military electronics. (I introduced this as H.R. 1022 in the 113th Congress.)

I helped lead 24 House members in urging strong funding for the National Ignition Facility at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under the National Nuclear Security Administration’s Inertial Confinement Fusion and High Yield Campaign, a program that maintains our national security and keeps America moving toward a new energy future.

I cosponsored H.R. 565, the Stepping Up to STEM Education Act, which would establish an office of STEM Education at Department of Education, create state STEM networks, and create an Advanced Research Projects Agency for Education (ARPA-ED). (I cosponsored this as H.R. 1089 in the 113th Congress.)

Rep. Swalwell tours the National Ignition Facility at Lawrence Livermore National Lab, May 2015.


In the 113th Congress:

I cosponsored and voted for H.R. 4438, the American Research and Competitiveness Act of 2014. This bipartisan bill would modernize and make permanent the research and development tax credit.

I sent a letter to the Office of Management and Budget supporting funding for the Department of Energy’s Science Laboratory Infrastructure Account and, in particular, the planned construction of Lawrence Berkley National Lab’s new bioscience facility in Richmond, California.

I sent multiple letters to the House Energy and Water Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Subcommittee in support of robust funding for the Department of Energy Office of Science.

Rep. Swalwell touring the Chabot Space and Science Center

More on Science & Technology

September 24, 2020 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) and Rep. Guy Reschenthaler (R-PA) on Thursday held the inaugural event of their new bipartisan Congressional Critical Materials Caucus, with three experts discussing how America can assure a long-term, secure, and sustainable supply of energy critical materials (ECMs).

The event coincided with a floor vote on legislation to help achieve these goals, which Rep. Swalwell has carried in every Congress since 2013. The legislation passed on a 220-185 vote, and now goes to the Senate.

March 9, 2020 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) and Rep. Rick Crawford (R-AR) reintroduced the Members Operating to Be Innovative and Link Everyone (MOBILE) Resolution. The resolution would strengthen the ability of Members to virtually participate in committee hearings and allow them to vote remotely on suspension bills.

September 24, 2019 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC —Today, Rep. Eric Swalwell (CA-15) introduced the Securing Energy Critical Elements and American Jobs Act to help the United States develop the technical expertise and production capabilities to assure a long-term, secure and sustainable supply of energy critical elements (ECEs).