Congressman Scott Peters

Representing the 52nd District of California

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Serving San Diegans

A large part of what my San Diego office does is help people like you who may have run into a road block with federal agencies. Here are some of the ways we've been able to help San Diegans. 


Helping Global Business Owners Travel

When Asa needed a travel visa to check on sales and distribution of their business, our team reached out to the Embassy of India. We were able to resolve the issue in time for Asa to take her trip and look after her business.

“Congressman Peters and his staff have done a great job of helping with visa issues related to my business.” - Asa, La Jolla

Do you need help with a visa or travel related issue? Click here to request assistance, or call our San Diego office at 858-455-5550. For resources on passport issues, click here.

Validating Tax Reforms

Haeji reached out to our office with concerns about discrepancies on her tax returns. She and her husband were wrongly billed for an additional $1,000 dollars in taxes, but our office was able to contact the IRS and expedite their case. We found that they were entitled to a refund with interest and saved them the $1,000 in owed taxes.

“When writing to the IRS didn’t fix the problem, we turned to Congressman Scott Peters’ office, who responded to use within two days. We are grateful they were able to solve the problem.” - Haeji, San Diego

Do you need help with a tax or IRS related issue? Click here to request assistance, or call our San Diego office at 858-455-5550. For resources on tax issues, click here.


Navigating Tax Forms and Filing

When Kevin contacted our office about the trouble he was having getting his tax return from the IRS, were identified the problem with his tax form and helped get him in refund. The process only took one week and Kevin saved nearly $6,000.

“Congressman Peters and his staff responded promptly to my request for assistance and the matter was resolved in about a week.” - Kevin, San Diego

Do you need help with a tax or IRS related issue? Click here to request assistance, or call our San Diego office at 858-455-5550. For resources on tax issues, click here.


Securing Military Benefits

Matthew contacted our office when he wanted to appeal the outcome of his retirement qualification medical exam. We worked with the Navy to have Matthew’s case reopened and have his eligibility reviewed.

“If it weren’t for Congressman Peters’ office, I don’t think I would have had any positive results.” –Matthew, San Diego

Do you need help accessing your military benefits? Click here to request assistance, or call our San Diego office at 858-455-5550. For resources on military benefits, click here.


Helping Veterans Access Education Benefits

Tonianne contacted our office when she received a notice that her daughter was no longer eligible for Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits and owed over $100,000 for the use of unauthorized funds. Our team reached out to the Naval Board of Corrections and helped clear Torianne of her debt and reinstate her eligibility for benefits.

“Congressman Peters’ office helped me a number of times during this process, including conducting a congressional inquiry and writing a letter of support to the Naval Board of Corrections.” –Toianne, Carmel Mountain Ranch

Do you need help accessing the benefits you earned?  Click here to request assistance, or call our San Diego office at 858-455-5550. For resources on veterans benefits, click here.


Urgent Passport Assistance

Joanne from Clairemont: “Last year, while my father was in the La Jolla VA hospital, we found ourselves in desperate need of an emergency visa for my sister-in-law. My 3 young nephews were extremely close to their grandpa. They had been at the hospital for many days and needed their mom’s support during this very difficult time, but she was not able to cross the border.”

“I was getting nowhere with the Tijuana Embassy. I called your office for help. You did not hesitate…Days later, my dad passed away at the VA Hospital and, because of your office, my sister-in-law was able to cross into the USA to be with the family. You will never fully understand the magnitude of your actions.”

Do you need help with a visa or travel related issue? Click here to request assistance, or call our San Diego office at 858-455-5550. For resources on passport issues, click here


Helping Veterans Get the Benefits They've Earned

Curtis from Scripps Ranch: “I contacted Congressman Scott Peters’ office over one year after being rated by the VA for my disabilities sustained in combat operations in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and requested their help in receiving my monthly benefits as I was experiencing financial hardship upon being released from the US Army.

“My final email to the Congressman’s office was ‘I just received word that my payments have started on 10/1. I want to thank you for your due diligence in helping my family out with this matter’…your team is truly for the American veteran.”

Do you need help accessing the benefits you earned?  Click here to request assistance, or call our San Diego office at 858-455-5550. For resources on veterans benefits, click here.


Serving our Seniors

Jouliette from San Carlos: “I have stage 4 cancer and am on chemotherapy. I had a critical situation come up with Social Security when they terminated my Medicare insurance by mistake and without warning. I was shocked and scared. My chemo was delayed. I contacted Congressman Scott Peters’ office thinking it was a long-shot. They answered my call, addressed my case, and started the process right away. My benefits were recovered and treatments resumed. Through the whole ordeal, they kept calling me with updates and to ask how I was doing. My experience was above and beyond what I expected.”

Do you need help with a Social Security or Medicare issue? Click here to request assistance, or call our San Diego office at 858-455-5550. For Social Security and Medicare resources, click here